The mother of Beyonce's baby brother, Nixon Knowles, says Beyonce refuses to meet her son...NIXON who happens to be Baby Blue Ivy Carters Uncle whether Beyonce agrees to that fact or not .
Beyonce is itching to add a son to her family, but let’s hope her daughter, Blue Ivy, treats him better than Beyonce treats her own brother!
Alex Wright disclosed that she is the mother of a baby boy fathered by Beyonce’s dad, Mathew Knowles, when he was still married to Beyonce’s mother Tina.
Sources say Beyonce was so furious about her father’s affair, she refuses to meet her little brother. But Mathew’s relationship with the tot, named Nixon, isn’t much better.
“We had an 18 month relationship. We were in love and even lived together,” Wright tells Star.
“But four months into my pregnancy, he decided he couldn’t do it – and since our son’s birth, he has tried to deny Nixon full child support. This isn’t about the money. It’s about accountability, education and providing Nixon a secure life. “
Beyonce shows off her daughter Baby Blue Ivy recently

Star Magazine
I think she should meet him just to see how it goes
Yeaa its okayy beyonce we all go through those troubles sometimes u know men they can be soooo clueless and unreasonable they just rip your heart out even most fathers but here is my advice see ur baby brother and spend alot of time with him amd tell ur dad that was so outrageous for him to do i garenteee he will feel so guilty,fathers hate it mostly
It doesn't make Beyonce a bad person because she doesn't want to meet her biological Brother. Her Father brought shame to his family by committing adultery, people make it seem like cheating isn't a big deal until the consequences. Matthew Knowles allowed physical lust and thirst for attention take over. Beyonce or Solange don't owe this child anything this was there Father's doing. One day they may meet when enough time has been spaced between the pain. The woman of this child is delusional as all women are who are involved in affairs. Men never leave...and when they do? You only get what the wife was dealing with...It's the unseen woman behind the man that makes married men so attractive...
Well She has good reasons not to meet her brother. Her dad brought shame to the family and if that is her choice then we cant change. and if i were her i would do the same. :)
wow. I am a HUGE Beyonce fan. I agree but I don't agree. I mean its not Nixon's fault that his father had an affair. And Matthew is denying him!? If I were Beyonce I would let Blue Ivy see him. Show Matthew what he is missing out on!
I don't blame Beyonce one bit. The woman knew she was sleeping with a married man. The father knew he was cheating. Beyonce is not obligated to meet or socialize with anyone under these circumstances. And as much as I love my mother, I know I would not indulge in any way with the woman who slept with my mother's husband and had a child with him.
Tracey in NY
I love Beyonce and everyone knows how important family is to her, this just lets us know what her father did hurt her so much. If she can't deal with little Nixon it is not her fault, its her fathers. Shame on Nixon's mother
for not understanding, but what can we expect from a selfish individual.
funny how all of you are commenting on things that are not even your business. what is right or wrong in this case has absolutely nothing to do with you
amen! I wouldn't have anything to do with that illegitimate child.
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