Monday, May 21, 2012

There is "No Big Deal Having A Child Out Of Wedlock"

There is  "No Big Deal Having A Child Out Of Wedlock"

The producer of Showbiz on Metro FM Radio is Nwadiuto Okoye. She is single but not searching. Right now, she is enjoying the best of her spinsterhood but will be ready to settle down when it is God’s time. She doesn’t frown at celebrities having babes out of wedlock, because they are adults and big enough to know what is good for them. She tells Adaeze Amos in this interview about her lifestyle. Excerpts:

What is the most interesting aspect of your job?
I’m somebody who loves research; I love the internet. I could stay on the computer for hours. So, for me, producing is about writing scripts, researching, and digging up data and then the part of what I do is Metro Showbiz. I produce it and it is what I like the whole lifestyle, fashion and entertainment. It’s basically in my territory. It’s something I enjoy doing.

You mentioned fashion; what aspect of fashion thrills you?
Oh, just the fact that you have an op-portunity to dress up, you know, make up once in a while, just express your femininity and bring out that feminine side of you. It’s just nice when you see people put together, proper-ly dressed, looking properly dressed and happy.

Fashion is about flaunting good parts of you. What have you got to show off?
(Giggles and looking down her cleav-ages) Oh my God, I’m not showing much now, you can see (laughs). I don’t believe that for a lady to look good, you have to expose and flaunt too much. You can still be very modest and look good. You can be covered up wearing turtle neck and you still look good. Just as we have so many good-looking Nigerian women. I totally believe that Nigerian women are very fashionable; I mean totally, whole-heartedly. Oh, they try their best to look good. Yes, I mean 200 percent, if I’m permitted to use that.

But that notwithstanding, there could be some things that put you off about fashion in this part of the world. What is it?
I think basically in Nigeria, we have a problem. When we copy, we copy the wrong ones. We copy foolishly. It’s true that one may follow trends but at the same time, you need to create your own style. You have to understand the fact that some of these trends don’t fit everybody. For instance, what I’m wear-ing is lace wig. A lot of people have abused it and then the hot pink lipstick; oh my God! Dark-skinned ladies should please tone it down. You know you have to study your body type first, study your skin colour before you follow the fashion trends. You have to know which of these fashion trends fits you before you go all out for it. It can be very annoying when it is overdone.

Where is your tattoo?
Oh, I don’t have any tattoo on me. And I’m not missing it. My reason for not hav-ing a tattoo is because I’m a softie. The pains scare me, I can’t stand the pain. I won’t do it in the first place and I won’t condemn people who have tattoos. I feel everybody is an individual, it’s your body; do whatever you want to do with it. I won’t condemn who has it but I won’t do it because it’s not part of me.

What makes you happy about being a woman?
I’m very proud to be a woman; it allows me to express myself. When it comes to fashion, for instance, a guy can start dressing and in two minutes, he is done. But as a woman? I have fun dressing; I bring out like 10 clothes and try which one I like to wear. In fact, it is women that enjoy good things that life can offer- like shop-ping. We enjoy easy life, we are the ones that find it very exciting- shop-ping, going to the movies; we cannot care less really (giggles).

What’s your favourite colour?
I don’t have a favourite colour. I al-ways go for colours that suit me; which are darker shades because I’m light-skinned. I’m not a fan of pink and it sounds weird because pink is a feminine colour. I think we have abused pink so much and there are some combinations right now that put me off such as red and black. I can do red alone and I can do black alone. But both of them together, don’t work for me.

When you are less busy, what do you do to unwind?
I’m a music person, a music lover; if I’m not downloading music 24/7, I’m lis-tening to music, I’m on the internet regularly, my computer is my best friend. I’m always on my computer doing something, designing something; there is al-ways something for me. I try not to keep myself idle. But if I’m idle, I just sleep, that’s all, you know. I’m not married.

Are you considering having a baby out of wedlock like some celebrities are doing these days?
You see, I’m somebody that is for individuality. For celebrities who have babies out of wedlock, it’s their opin-ion. You have a reason for everything you do; everybody has a reason for ev-erything he or she does. Maybe we don’t know what goes on behind closed doors; we only know them out there. We don’t know how they feel when they get into their houses. We don’t even know what they are thinking about and all that. I’m indifferent about their choice of having babies out of wedlock. I won’t condemn them for that. A child is from God. They are adults, they have made their decisions and they know what they want. For those who have them as role models, what I know is that when you look up to somebody, it doesn’t mean you have to do exactly what she does...

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