Thursday, June 14, 2012

DANA Crash Tragedy: 2 Families Fight Over One Corpse

DANA Crash Tragedy: 2 Families Fight Over One Corpse

But for the timely intervention of security men at the Lekan Ogunsola Memorial Morgue of the Lagos State University Teaching Hospital in Lagos, two families would have exchange blows on Monday as both relations lay claim to one corpse.
The dispute over the body began when the family members of the late Mr. Jones Ifekanwa, who died in the Dana plane crash, were told that another family, who reportedly refused to disclose their name, had also lay claim to the same body as their own.
The Chief Medical Examiner, Prof. John Obafunwa, invited the Ifekanwa family to identify their late brother’s corpse but found it difficult to effectively re-identify the body as they did last week.
Another family, after going in to identify their relation’s corpse, also picked the same body as the lfekanwa family had picked.
Consequently, Prof. Obafunwa denied both families access to the body until the DNA testing results would be out in the next four weeks.
According to the elder sister to the late Ifekanwa, Mrs. Jennifer Enanana, the mix-up could be traced to the decomposing state of the body.

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