Thursday, June 7, 2012

“If you were to stand before Mr. President, Dr. Goodluck Jonathan in a week and you are to address him for ten (10) minutes on the State of the Nation, making recommendations to him……… What are the five most important things you would insist to see done within the next six months as a basis for your continued support?”

President of the United States of America, Barack Obama (left) and President of Nigeria, Goodluck Jonathan (right)
The Spokesman of the Alhaji Mujahid Dokubo Asari led Niger Delta Peoples Salvation Front (NDPSF), Comrade Rex Anighoro, released the statement below,
“If you were to stand before Mr. President, Dr. Goodluck Jonathan in a week and you are to address him for ten (10) minutes on the State of the Nation, making recommendations to him………
What are the five most important things you would insist to see done within the next six months as a basis for your continued support?”
Nigerians Saving Nigerians, as an Organization advocating for the sustainable development of Nigeria, naturally responded to this hypothetical circumstance by making the statement below,
“Nigerians Saving Nigerians would like to issue this statement with the sole purpose of clarifying certain misconceptions about the vision and mission of the organization. As clearly stated on the organization’s website, we are an advocacy group for democratic ideals. Nigerians Saving Nigerians is not against the Federal Government of Nigeria. What we seek is to foster an enviroment where democratic values and the rule of law are upheld.
We would like to use this opportunity to call on the President to take decisive action on the various challenges present in our nation. Ironically in this case we call on him not to tackle the problems but to appeal to the conscience of the crop of unpatriotic Nigerians who are profiteering from the current breakdown of infrastructure of our nation.
One thing the elite and a considerable portion of those who have access to the resources of the country fail to realize is that the current state of the country is unsustainable. This state where public officials amass small islands of wealth surrounded by the quicksand of poverty; a situation where such monies are stashed away and not used to build infrastructure, create jobs, and create wealth is unsustainable and unacceptable: and as more and more people get into public and political office and the trend continues we will soon find ourselves in a state where the norm is pervasive lawlessness and lawfulness is abnormal, if it is not already happening.
This is why the issue of Power has to be solved, this is why the President should have the boldness to confront the issues at hand because if he does not Nigeria is headed for a situation where even the so called political elite will have no country to call its own.
We call on the conscience of the PDP Government to consider the direction that the recent events are going. We cannot continue to take palliative measures, what we need is a cure that cures the problem once and for all.
We understand sustainable nation building efforts takes time to materialize, one of the pressing immediate needs of Nigeria is for the Federal Government of Nigeria headed by President Goodluck Jonathan to order that internal control systems to fight corruption be set up across the gigantic Federal Government of Nigeria and also inspire other levels of Government and stakeholders in the system by communicating effectively the need for corruption to be stifled in Nigeria.
If most Nigerians can live with pervasive corruption and still not benefit much, most Nigerians can also live without corruption even if it may be an initial strain on some provided Nigerian leaders also demonstrate their willingness not to be corrupt.
Arguably, most Nigerians feel they are being cheated by Government Officials who are supposed to be serving them.
Oluseun Badejo,
Nigerians Saving Nigerians”
This is a link to a discussion from Nigerians across the world and People of goodwill from other countries in response to this hypothetical question.
What are you thinking?

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