Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Accused Child Molester Jerry Sandusky Penn State Abuse Secret File Points To Institutional Cover-up

Jerry Sandusky Penn State Abuse Secret File Points To Institutional Cover-up

Source: The Huffington Post Allegations of an institutional cover-up of the Penn State sexual abuse scandal reached a fever pitch on Monday after sources at the Attorney General’s Office indicated that former Penn State vice-president Gary Schultz kept a secret file on Jerry Sandusky’s alleged abusive incidents, casting doubt on his previous grand jury testimony, KDKA-TV reports. “

Source: Colleen Curry, Beth Loyd and Jim Avila / ABC News The 18-year-old man who launched the sex abuse investigation into Jerry Sandusky wept on the stand today and brought some jurors to tears as he recalled the first time the former Penn State coach allegedly performed oral sex on him, when he was about 12 

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