Sunday, June 24, 2012

Oath swearing tears family apart in Nigeria ... As husband, family bicker over wife's infidelity

Oath swearing tears family apart in Nigeria


... As husband, family bicker over wife's infidelity

By African Outlook Reporter 

A Nigerian housewife may be kicked out of her matrimonial home by her in-laws over alleged adultery, an act which the family claimed has desecrated their culture and ancestral belief.

Photo: Mrs. Ogunniyi...Fears for her life
The 45-year-old Mrs. Olubusola Ogunniyi, the in-laws alleged, has been engaging in the immoral act, after she was further alleged to have bewitched her husband to enable her perpetrate the immoral act.

Trouble started for the housewife several months ago when, despite her denial, the family insisted on dragging the mother of four before the family shrine in their village located in the outskirt of Abeokuta, the Ogun State capital, to swear on their traditional deity.

The family also alleged that Olubusola was able to have a field day in the infidelity act as her husband, who it was learnt, often pleaded on the innocence of his wife, could not be aware of the adultery following the voodoo allegedly inflicted on him by the wife.

All pleas by the distraught woman, who married her husband, Rasheed Ayeni Ogunniyi, 18 years ago, it was further learnt, felt on deaf ears as the in-laws maintained that she must perform the rituals expected of her following the alleged adultery.

“The woman has been under undue pressure from the family to undergo series of swearing under traditional deities in order to prove her innocence,” a friend of Olubusola, who preferred anonymity said.

“But the woman is fearing for her life as the swearing before the deity may be tampered with as we learnt that the family do not like the woman and they could plan against her,” the woman who claimed to be Olubusola's friend of over 10 years added.

However, sources disclosed that Olubusola, who on several occasions had alleged threat to her life by the in-laws, was said to be worried on the recent turn of event, after several pleadings on her innocence.  The matter, it was further gathered, was not reported to the police, as it was regarded as a family affair and that bringing it to the knowledge of the police could cause animosity within the family.

“The situation has gotten worse recently as it appears there are sinister plans against the woman as the family have been accusing her of preventing them from having access to their brother,” it was further gathered.

Sources close to the family explained that in one of the clandestine moves, the hapless woman was once dragged before the Ogun (god of iron) to forcefully perform rituals which involve sacrificing of dog.

Olubusola, it was also learnt, refused to visit the village when invited again for the second ritual, as she insisted that the move was against her religion as a member of the Christ Apostolic Church (CAC).

“The woman's latest problem now is that she is insisting on her religion as the reason she can no longer go to the village for any ritual, the development that infuriated the family who refused to listen to her genuine reason,” a close family member said.

“She told the family members that should the church hear about her swearing before one fetish object, she would be suspended at where she often worships as a devout Christian,” the source stressed.

Efforts to get the reaction of Olubukola proved abortive as she could not be reached, thus fuelling the speculation that she may be hiding for her safety.  But speaking on the development, her husband, Rasheed Ogunniyi, expressed shock on the turn of events.

“Though it is a family affair not the media, but at the same time, I am really shocked on the turn of events between my wife and the family.  To me, the people appear to be ready to overlook the issue, despite my explanation to them,” Ogunniyi said.

He added: “The woman is a CAC member and how do they expect her to be appearing before some devilish objects; of recent she has been dreaming and she sometimes behave strangely and this could be traced to the handiwork of the family members.”

“I am just pleading with them to leave my wife alone, as I suspect foul play in the latest development. I've told the family that I trust my wife, and that even in life anybody can make mistake if anything like that happens at all, but they would not listen, thus making me feel suspicious,” the husband maintained.

In their defence, the family Head, Chief Jimoh Ogunniyi, said they suspected the woman had inflicted voodoo on her husband, to cover up her act.

“We know what we are saying, so it is a rite she must come with us to the village to swear if it is true she is innocent,” Jimoh said.

“She is hiding something, otherwise I see no reason why she cannot come to defend herself before our deity that we worship in our family. She knew that is our tradition before she married one of us,” the family head insisted.

When reminded that Olubusola, as a Christian, could not swear before the deity as it was against her religion, Jimoh maintained “that should not be an excuse.”

“She is just giving excuse, and we are not going to accept that if she wants to remain as a wife to Rasheed, and our wife in the family. It is either she accepts to do it or be ready to face the unpleasant consequences,” the family head stressed.

“On several occasions, we have heard her stories. But what stop her from swearing before the god of iron, as the deity will prove if she is innocent or not,” Jimoh argued further, adding “the allegation may be false at the end of the day.”

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