Monday, June 18, 2012

PLAYING WITH THE INTELLIGENCE OF NIGERIANS::Exposed: Ghanaian actor who played Farouk Lawan in the bribery video

Exposed: Ghanaian actor who played Farouk Lawan in the bribery video

13 Jun 2012

Exposed: Ghanaian actor who played Farouk Lawan in the bribery video
Beware the man in white. ?

Abuja - As if the Nation has not had enough drama, new explosive revelations from Ghana's copycat version of Nollywood is now poised to inflict Nigerians with another dose of incredulous political goings on.

No sooner had news of a secretly filmed video of Hon Farouk Lawan collecting bribe from Zenon Chief, Femi Otedola gotten out than the committee chairman denied being the one featured in the incriminating clip.

Lawan later fessed up to collecting the bribe money, but according to him, only because it would have been rude not to, considering Mr Otedola’s high standing in the Nation. Lawan however handed the marked dollar bills over to senior members of the house of rep explaining that he was forced to accept the bribe but wanted nothing to do with it - according to him.

Nigerians, as a result, were left not knowing who to believe; the Nigerian government that promised there would be constant electricity by now, Mr Otedola who only wears white and thus could be a cult member (possibly the most senior ranking Illuminati member in West Africa), or Hon Lawan who is a member of the house or representatives - that, in itself, being enough to make it prudent to count one's fingers after shaking hands with him?

But the Nation can now stop holding its breath wondering where the next episode of embarrassing National silliness would come from.

Apparently, during a period of playful banter, a Ghanaian actor who had been hired to act the part of Farouk Lawan in the now infamous secret recording, bragged to a Nigerian counterpart that Gollywood (that's what Ghanaians call their Nollywood knockoff) is now better than Nollywood.

To win his argument he revealed that he had just finished filming a Gollywood blockbuster titled "I cannot be bribed," a big budget production which, according to him, was sponsored by Nigerian Oil Companies.

Unbeknown to the Gollywood actor, what he innocently boasted about was recognized by Ramsey Noah (for that was who he bragged to) as the script leaked to Nigerians as evidence of Hon Lawan's culpability in bribe seeking and bribe taking.

The Nigerian actor immediately reported the matter to the Actors Guild of Nigeria who took the matter to the house of reps and asked lawmakers to explain how Ghanaians could be allowed to get such juicy roles when there are Nigerian actors equally skilled to do the job. Emeka Ike, they asserted, could have convincingly played the part of Hon Lawan.

More on this prevarication of a blockbuster story as it develops.

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