Saturday, July 14, 2012

An animal serial killer is on the loose in Texas.

Three beloved animals belonging to Lucy Garcia and her three children, ages 10, 14 and 15, have been savagely murdered by an unknown killer in Houston, Texas.
The perpetrator, apparently out on an animal serial killing binge, has been singling out the Garcia family's animals without any ostensible reason, in separate incidents, over the past 10 days.
The news was recently published on Huffcrime.com  and is one of the most brutal and deplorable acts of animal cruelty this writer has come across in a long time.
Ms. Garcia has no idea why her animals are being killed and commented that all of the children are having an extremely difficult time coping with the death of the animals.
Houston Police Department spokesperson, Kese Smith said neither the family nor investigators know why the Garcia’s are being targeted. Police are worried humans may be next. 
On October 3 the first animal to be killed was a collie named Little Buddy; shot to death. P.J., a Rottweiler, was poisoned four days later. And on October 8, the family's beloved horse, Angel, was found in her stall, stabbed to death; her throat slit, according to police.
 P.J. had been Ms. Garcia's dog before the birth of her first child and Little Buddy was only five years old. Angel, the horse, was a birthday present six years ago for her youngest daughter. Ms. Garcia added, "My children would wake up every morning before they went to school, feed them and give them their water for the day. In the afternoon, when they came home, they would take care of them again."
Ms. Garcia said that her youngest daughter is devastated over the death of her horse, who was so gentle she could be ridden bareback. She said, "For someone to hurt my child's horse and make her hurt, that is what gets me."
According to police officials there have been no other similar reports of crimes of this nature in the area. If anyone living in the area knows anything about these animal killings that may help bring the perpetrator to justice, please contact the Houston Police Department Major Offender's Division at 713-308-3100, or report the information to Crime Stoppers at 713-222-TIPS.

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