Friday, July 13, 2012

Man charged with having sex with 4 School junior second-ary girls in Yaba, Lagos State

Okada man, 38, forms sex gang with school girls

Four young girls of a junior second-ary school in Yaba, Lagos State, may have been deflowered prematurely while the school authority may have also caused an intensive investigation into the act against the girls. The man behind this is one Sunday Okwu a resident of No 14, Craig Street, Shomolu, Lagos. Okwu, 38, is reported to have had carnal knowledge of the school girls. For several months, these three girls (names withheld) would leave their school at break time to visit Okwu in his one-room apartment. While there, these girls would be report-edly locked inside Okwu’s room for hours, sometimes not to return to school until closing hours when they would go home. 

Anytime Okwu’s co-tenants asked him who the girls were and what they were always doing in his room during school hours, Okwu would tell them that they were either daughters of his sister’s friends, or some sort of relations. Okwu, a commercial motorcycle rider, usually does his business in the early hours of the day and late in the evening. The whole of the afternoon, he spent in-doors in the company of the three girls. It is learnt that once these girls were locked inside Okwu’s room, they engaged in watching pornographic films, which Okwu would have rented a day before their visit. Okwu reportedly bought food stuffs which one or two of the girls would cook while others busied themselves with pornographic films. 

But Okwu was not only spending his money on running his generators alone. It was later discovered that the girls were also made to put to practice what they watched in those films with Okwu in his room. Okwu reportedly slept with the girls one after the other while others were made to watch the live action. This had been going on for months until the bubble burst on Monday, 2 July, 2012. On the fateful day, the girls reportedly went straight to Okwu’s house and had their sex romp, but all had to be in school that afternoon for an important class work. After their usual sex romp, the girls headed for their school to honour their class teach-ers.

But the class teacher of one of them, who cared to examine her pupil critically, suddenly noticed semen on the lower part of the girl’s school uniform. That was when the teacher raised the alarm and the girls were reportedly whisked to the office of the school princi-pal. 

After threats of stern punishment and possible ejection from the school, the young girl owned up and gave a detailed account of the illicit affairs she and her colleagues had been having with Okwu. With the girl’s revelation, the school au-thority promptly alerted the girl’s parents who lived at No 36, Akoka Street, Shomolu. On the second day, when Okwu did not hear from his ‘prey,’ he sensed danger and decided not to call their mobile phones.

Al-ready, the girl’s parents had reported the mater at Alade Police Station and law en-forcement agents swung into action imme-diately. Okwu was met sleeping on the car-pet in his room; he was promptly arrested by the law enforcement agents. Okwu was later charged to court and re-manded at the Ikoyi prisons. Okwu was not available for his comment, but a teacher in the school who preferred anonymity, told Saturday Mirror that the matter is being handled by the police. “When the matter was first noticed here in the school, it came as a surprise. The rea-son is that we do not joke with moral values here. 

But some of these students have a dif-ferent mindset and orientation from home which makes the job of we teachers diffi-cult sometimes,” the teacher added. Several trips to the girl’s parents to have them talk to Saturday Mirror were futile as they were said to be away at work. But a hairdresser, a neighbour of the parents, who declined to mention her name, said that the girl in question was known to be highly disobedient not only to her par-ents, but everyone in the neighbourhood. “I was not so surprised when the news came that that girl was involved in gang sex every day. This is what some people noticed and brought to the notice of her parents but which was not given a serious thought.

Now that it has come to light, I think her parents would realise what people have been saying about the girl,” she added. Another male tenant in the house, who preferred anonymity, declined comment saying the house owners had begged that their address be protected. His words: “I will not be able to give any information because the landlady had begged that she would not want her house mentioned. I think the matter is being han-dled at the appropriate quarters,” the man said.

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