Sunday, July 8, 2012

Oodua asks for national conference: immediately

‘Set up national dialogue committee’
National Coordinator, Oodua People’s Congress, Chief Ganiyu Adams, has asked the Federal Government to set up national dialogue planning committee to start the process of convening a national conference. Adams said in the face of security problems currently facing the country, it had become incontrovertible that the only means available to Nigerians was the dialogue option.

In a statement on Sunday, Adams said, “In light of these happenings we call on the authorities, to as a matter of urgency, convene a meeting of the ethnic groups in Nigeria to discuss the terms of their co-existence. “A meeting of this nature – you may decide to call it by any name – will find a lasting solution to all the problems threatening to tear the country apart. We need to come together to resolve our problems and rescue our beloved country from collapse.

“While the government may seem to be doing its best in combating the activities of the Boko Haram, its effort, to say the least, does not seem to be yielding the desired result as stories of attacks and bombings of defenseless Nigerians hit the newsstand every day.” He said sectarian killings had become the order of the day resulting in reprisals by Christians in parts of the North, adding that these happenings were sure signs that the country was gradually drifting towards anarchy, only needing a little spark to set off an inferno that might consume all Nigerians.

Adam added, “Coming at this critical period of our national life, a conference of all the nationalities that make up the Nigerian nation will move us away from the brink.”

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