Monday, July 2, 2012

Rejoinder: Of Harvard Business School Alumni

Rejoinder: Of Harvard Business School Alumni

Has anyone stopped to wonder why Emeka Ephraim Ugwuonye will launch venomous attack on all and sundry, who hold views contrary to his as regards the Nigerian Embassy account closure? The reason is not farfetched; the embattled lawyer is in a fight for his life. If Prof. Adefuye and the Embassy are able to prove that his conduct was unethical and that he had no right to spend $1.5m kept in his trust, he will be disbarred by the Maryland Bar Association.
Aware of the fate that may befall him, Emeka Ugwuonye in conjunction with his choristers who shout hallelujah to all his jargons, regardless of how senseless or illogical they sound, will bully, harass and intimidate any one with dissenting views with the hope of shouting them down.
 Emeke Ugwuonye averred that he had superior evidence and tried to bait Huhuonline.com into publishing unsubstantiated report of how Prof. Adefuye withdrew $1m from the Nigerian Embassy account in a week. Cognisance that he may be biased because of his no love lost relationship with the Nigerian Embassy, we asked him to show us the evidence he had. We offered to travel to DC to view the supposed superior evidence, but he was evasive. We reminded Mr. Ugwounye that Huhuonline.com doesn`t publish hearsays.  Thus, his request was rebuffed for lack of proof.
Consequently, he accused Emmanuel Asiwe of taking sides with Prof. Adefuye and collecting $25,000 down payment from the Ambassador. He fed the lies to Carl Umunnah of Republic Reporters. Carl Umunnah is a confused man; he carries a Nigerian passport but continues to insist that Nigeria does not exist. Late Dim Ojukwu has since renounced Biafra, and embraced the one Nigeria ideology. His wife was recently appointed an ambassador, his children has held various position in their home state of Anambra, but confused Carl is still living in the sixties, and has continued to propagate his message of hate against the Nigerian state. His site republicreport.com, at inception was called Biafra Republic."
When his bribery accusation did not stick, he shifted position, and fabricated the allegation that Prof. Bolaji Aluko wrote the report for which he had accused Mr. Asiwe of collecting $25,000. Mr. Ugwuonye said he had proof; we dared him to make it public, but he has failed to do so.
On June 28th 2012, Ugwuonye called Huhuonline.com and said, I know Mr. Asiwe never attended Harvard Business School, he was told that if he wanted to see Mr. Asiwe’s certificate from HBS (Executive Education), it will be made available to him. He responded don`t worry, I just want you to know what I know and advised Mr. Asiwe to contact HBS to rectify it.
Asked about Ugwuonye’s claim, Nancy Berven, Alumni Services Assistant at HBS, in an email, said,
 Dear Emmanuel,“I am sorry for the inconvenience and embarrassment. I simply relay information from what my database releases. I have sent your inquiry to HBS Executive Education Program and I will now forward your inquiry to the registrar’s office so they can verify your course completion.”
All the best.
Precisely five minutes later, Paula Verma, Client Service Specialist at HBS (Executive Education), responded to Miss Berven email and copied huhuonline.com.
Hear her:
“To Whom It May Concern:
“Please accept this letter as confirmation that Emmanuel Asiwe successfully completed Effective Strategies for Media Companies program from Harvard Business School Executive Education. Effective Strategies for Media Companies ran from December 2-5, 2009 offsite California. A certificate was given to Mr. Asiwe upon finishing this program. While not degree –bearing, this certificate shows successful completion of this intensive program.”
However, in spite of confirmation from HBS that Mr. Asiwe successful completed this intensive program (two semester courses taught in four days). Mr. Ugwuonye has continued to showcase his stupidity, as he continues to push his lies, or his version of truth, which cannot be corroborated.
Hear him:
As we speak, Emmanuel Asiwe is still lying. He is making it look as if he ever attended Harvard Business School (HBS) for ANTHING. He is also lying that he has a certificate from HBS. I am not stupid: I checked for all that. I wanted to make sure what he could have meant. But HBS Alumni Services office informed me that Emmanuel NEVER NEVER NEVER attended HBS even for a half-day seminar or program. He never went there for anything whatsoever.”
Asked what qualifies one to become alumni of HBS, Verma, said,
Dear Emmanuel,
“Please note that alumni status can only be attained by completing one the full-time, 2 year MBA program, or one of the following courses in Executive Education: the Advanced Management Program, the General Management Program, and the Owner/President Management Program.  Participants may also achieve alumni status by completing the Program for Leadership Development with an additional 10 credit days (which is about 2 – 3 of our shorter term programs, adding up to 10 total course days).  Any of our short term programs on their own, including Effective Strategies for Media Companies, will not grant alumni status and cannot be combined to achieve alumni status.”
“Please let me know if you have any additional questions.”
My Apologies
However, when I indicated in my article that I was an alumnus of HBS, I sincerely believed that to be factual because I hold a certificate from HBS following my attending its Effective Strategies for Media Companies Program in 2009.
Against the backdrop of the explanation from HBS, I no longer hold that belief. The recent developments have brought me to the realization that my four-day course attendance in 2009 does not confer upon me the title of an alumnus of HBS.
I regret that my action may have led some our readers into believing that I had set out to misrepresent myself. I sincerely apologize.
Emmanuel Emeke Asiwe 
(p) 508-857-0531

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