Sunday, August 5, 2012

WIKILEAKS CABLE: Babangida Plotted Coup Against Obasanjo, planned Abacha style "Fatal Illness".

Babangida Plotted Coup Against  Obasanjo,  planned Abacha style "Fatal Illness".

--.Ibori behind 2007 attack on Jonathan's house in Otuoke that narrowly missed killing him.....

-----Ibori and Buhari in steady Contact with Babangida ----

¶5. (S) Delta State Governor James Ibori, after heavily LAGOS 00000343 002.4 OF 002 financing upwards of $12 million for the national PDP convention, was angry that he was overlooked for the Vice-Presidency, averred Damachi. According to Damachi, Ibori stoked the April 21 attacks against Vice President-elect Goodluck Jonathan with the aim of eliminating him. Ibori broke bread and cut a deal with Warri-based Ijaw militants, in which he agreed to give them a share of local government power in exchange for a cessation of disruption activities against oil companies. A longtime associate of Babangida, Ibori was keeping in contact with Babangida on the above-mentioned post-inauguration scenario.....End of cable

Facts now emerging from a recently declassified wikileaks cable indicates that ex-military ruler, Gen.  Babangida sent one of his known and trusted aides to test the waters with the Americans by suggesting that Babangida and his cohorts could orchestrate a coup against former President Obasanjo and failing that could arrange "an accident" to remove him from the scene.




The blatant exposition of such plans by Babangida 's messenger to former U.S. ambassador, John Campbell reveals the mind set of the former ruler. If he could think of such a scheme when an ex-military general was in power Nigerians may want to ask what type of scheme he is cooking up now.

Speaking through his adviser, Ukandi Damachi, Babangida had told the American ambassador that he and his ex-military constituency could be forced to  "unleash the greyhounds" in reference to mid level officers currently in service and who owe loyalty to Babangida and his boys.

And for the first time, Babangida's messenger gave a clue as to who might be responsible for Abacha's death when he delivered a message from Babangida to Ambassador Campbell that Babangida and his constituency might be forced to arrange an "accident" or a "fatal illness" for Obasanjo to remove him from the scene should he press on with his tenure elongation gambit.

The thing to consider is if President Jonathan should continue to consume 'tea' in Aso Rock seeing as he has also initiated plans for a constitutional amendment for a single term for Presidents and governors.

It is not known how widespread this plot was, but in another recently declassified wikileaks cable, Nigerians may also recall that Atiku Abubakar also discussed Obasanjo's death with ambassador Campbell.

In response to Babangida's message, ambassador Campbell informed him that "coups and "accidents" are not acceptable options to the U.S."

Another interesting tidbit from this cable is the confirmation by ambassador Campbell of the long held suspicion that former President Obasanjo is older than his "official age" and suffers from black outs (bouts of unconsciousness) from time to time.

This was not the only time Babangida and his cohort considered a coup. This same Damachi also told former U.S. Consul General, Brian L Brown in a 2007 cable that both Babangida and former Minister of Defence, T.Y. Danjuma, plotted a "lightning fast" coup to topple the inexperienced Yar'adua regime as soon as Obasanjo handed over in 2007 having found Obasanjo too hard a nut to crack.

Also, the cables sensationally reveal that former Governor James Ibori was behind the 2007 attempt to send then governor Goodluck Jonathan to join his ancestors by bombing his Otuoke country home when it was thought he would be there thus eliminating him as a rival for the vice presidency. Apparently Ibori had made a deal with Warri Ijaws, promising them control over Local Governments in Warri in exchange for their help.

For the first time ever, NaijaPundit exclusively brings you the cables below;
Reference id 07LAGOS343    aka Wikileaks id #108295  ? 
Subject    Babangida Confidant Foresees Post-inauguration Intrigue
Origin    Consulate Lagos (Nigeria)
Cable time    Tue, 15 May 2007 14:20 UTC
Classification    SECRET
Source    http://wikileaks.org/cable/2007/05/07LAGOS343.html
References    06LAGOS1429
Referenced by    07LAGOS363, 07LAGOS409
History    First published on Thu, 1 Sep 2011 23:24 UTC
Hide header S E C R E T SECTION 01 OF 02 LAGOS 000343 SIPDIS SIPDIS STATE FOR AF/W STATE FOR INR/AA DOE FOR CAROLYN GAY WARSAW FOR LISA PIASCIK CIUDAD JUAREZ FOR DONNA BLAIR ISTANBUL FOR TASHAWNA SMITH SAO PAOLO FOR ANDREW WITHERSPOON E.O. 12958: DECL: 05/02/2017 TAGS: PREL [External Political Relations], PGOV [Internal Governmental Affairs], KDEM [Democratization], NI [Nigeria] SUBJECT: BABANGIDA CONFIDANT FORESEES POST-INAUGURATION INTRIGUE REF: 06 LAGOS 1429 LAGOS 00000343 001.2 OF 002 Classified By: Consul General Brian L. Browne for reasons 1.4 (b and d)

 ¶1. (S) Summary: In an April 28 conversation with the Consul General, Professor Ukande Damachi, confidant to former military head of state Ibrahim Babangida, said Babangida and many other former general officers allied to him were furious at the manner the Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC) conducted and the People's Democratic Party (PDP) swept the elections and would seek to undermine the new administration. Damachi said that Babangida and his cronies would not stir now but would tarry until the Umaru Yar'Adua administration took over on May 29. At that point, there is a strong possibility that Babangida would reach into his bag of dirty tricks to undermine the nascent administration. Damachi's description of the political scene indicated problems ahead for the new government. End summary.
--------------------------------------------- Disgust and Frustration at the Conduct of the Elections Characterize the Nigerian Polity ---------------------------------------------

¶2. (S) In an April 28 conversation with the Consul General, Ukande Damachi, confidant to former military head of state Ibrahim Babangida, said Babangida was furious about the embarrassing conduct of the elections. A man with feelers in almost every major political camp, Damachi remarked there was unprecedented disgust and anger among the various opposition parties. These parties were meeting to plot strategy. However, he felt little would come out of the opposition harangue because they knew not how to electrify the crowd to the extent of turning a heretofore passive populace into an actively disobedient one.

--------------------------------------- Damachi Sees Post-Inauguration Intrigue ---------------------------------------

¶3. (S) Damachi painted a turbid picture of post-inauguration intrigue. In his scenario, Babangida would bide time until the new government of Umaru Yar'Adua took office and President Obasanjo finally left. Babangida wanted to see Obasanjo's exit in the worst way now, offered Damachi. This would relieve an albatross around Babangida's neck, because Babangida has been roundly criticized for being the author of Obasanjo's presidential ascent in 1999. In any event, Babangida was also wary of tangling with an Obasanjo whose wiles are a close match to Babangida's.

¶4. (S) The assumption percolating in Babangida's circle was the novice administration would be one of mediocre ability. It would likely stumble out of the gate, claimed Damachi. As the new administration flailed about, Babangida and Theophilus Danjuma, former Minister of Defense, would have an opening to foment discord, particularly in the military. If this scenario becomes how reality unfolds, then the Babangida group hoped for a lightning fast palace coup against a weak, isolated presidency. That would be followed by the institution of an interim government for six months to prepare for new elections. (Comment: After election, many, if not most, new administrations enjoy a honeymoon period where their miscues are attributed to inexperience and are forgiven. Not this time around. The Yar'Adua administration will be on probation. It will have to prove itself worthy. Instead of being forgiven, administration missteps will be seen as a sign of retribution for a stolen election. End comment)
------------------------------------------ Ibori and Buhari in Contact with Babangida ------------------------------------------

¶5. (S) Delta State Governor James Ibori, after heavily LAGOS 00000343 002.4 OF 002 financing upwards of $12 million for the national PDP convention, was angry that he was overlooked for the Vice-Presidency, averred Damachi. According to Damachi, Ibori stoked the April 21 attacks against Vice President-elect Goodluck Jonathan with the aim of eliminating him. Ibori broke bread and cut a deal with Warri-based Ijaw militants, in which he agreed to give them a share of local government power in exchange for a cessation of disruption activities against oil companies. A longtime associate of Babangida, Ibori was keeping in contact with Babangida on the above-mentioned post-inauguration scenario.

¶6. (S) Presidential candidate Muhammadu Buhari has been apprised of the gist of these brainstorming sessions, Damachi said. The question of who would head the interim government has been narrowed to either Buhari or Babangida, but most likely Babangida since Buhari would want to run for election, Damachi speculated. Damachi added that Babangida would be loath to preside over a temporary arrangement that would conclude in making Buhari the President in a more permanent setup.

 -------------------------------- Odili's Star Likely to Fade, and Duke's Star Likely to Tumble --------------------------------

¶7. (C) Rivers State Governor Peter Odili, although delivering his wealthy state to the PDP on election day, has not been offered any post in the new government. Odili will return to private life, Damachi observed.
¶8. (C) Cross-River Governor Donald Duke still seethed from his rough treatment he received at the PDP convention. Damachi alleged that to force Duke to back down, Obasanjo showed the Governor a dossier of evidence of the questionable movement of funds overseas into deposit accounts and the purchase of real estate.

¶9. (C) Duke's political future would be ruined when people began to see the Tinapa project degenerate into a failure, Damachi postulated. Duke was already encountering problems with his successor, Governor-elect Liyel Imoke, on Tinapa and the strain it has placed on state coffers. Duke had leveraged so much money to fund Tinapa, the incoming governor would have trouble paying civil service salaries, let alone initiate any capital projects under his signature, averred Damachi. Imoke, not wanting to be blamed for Tinapa, might possibly appoint Duke as the special coordinator for Tinapa. That way, Imoke could keep Duke tied to Tinapa and avoid the blame for Tinapa's likely decline.

 ------- Comment -------

¶10. (S) Damachi gave a picture, if not completely accurate in its details, accurate in its general description of politicians simultaneously plotting with and against each other. What Damachi described was not actual plotting but could be deemed serious musing by some hefty characters. Because of whom they are their thoughts bear attention because, under propitious circumstances, they have the capacity to try to effectuate these thoughts.

¶11. (S) The transfer from one civilian administration to another on the federal and state level is something that has never happened here. In the best case there would be uncertainty, but that uncertainty has been exacerbated by the controversial electoral process. While Nigeria remains quiet and the call for mass protest is as yet unsuccessful, seasoned military politicians are biding their time. The post-inauguration period will be a trying time for the new government. End comment. BROWNE


Reference id    05ABUJA1323 aka Wikileaks id #36986  ? 
Subject    Nigeria: Ibb Factotum Speculates On A Coup, President Obasanjo "accident"
Origin    Embassy Abuja (Nigeria)
Cable time    Wed, 20 Jul 2005 16:25 UTC
Classification    SECRET//NOFORN
Source    http://wikileaks.org/cable/2005/07/05ABUJA1323.html
References    05LAGOS706
History    First published on Thu, 1 Sep 2011 23:24 UTC

This record is a partial extract of the original cable. The full text of the original cable is not available.
(S) 1. Summary: Ukandi Damachi (protect throughout) , businessman and advisor to former Chief of State and current presidential candidate Ibrahim Babangida told me that President Obasanjo has alienated his natural constituency of ex-military men and risks being overthrown through a military coup or that there might be an "accident" that removes him from the scene before the 2007 elections. I replied that any such action would be unacceptable to the U.S. and the international community. He said that my recent speeches on the rule of law and the critical importance to Nigeria's democracy of the 2007 elections has "riled" the traditional military/business establishment, which is also deeply worried about the possible revocation of their U.S. visas because of our well-founded suspicion of their individual corruption. He also said that Supreme Court Lord Chief Justice Uwais was intimidated successfully by the President in advance of his decision upholding the 2003 elections. See comments beginning para 6.
(C) 2. Damachi had breakfast with me at his request on July 15 in the JO quarters I occupy when I am in Lagos. Damachi, a businessman whose fortune appears to be based on lucrative dredging contracts, has been close to Ibrahim Babangida since the latter became chief of state in 1985. He has been a contact of U.S. ambassadors and the mission since then.
(S) 3. Obasanjo has distanced himself and alienated himself from his natural power base, Damachi argued, by proposing that former military rulers be excluded from political power in Nigeria, by his failure to distribute "equitably" the profits of office to his supporters, and by his alleged desire to manipulate the political system so that he can stay in office after 2007. In addition to Babangida, Damachi identified Danjuma and Malu as leaders of this opposition to Obasanjo. In the aftermath of the Supreme Court's decision upholding the 2003 elections, and Obasanjo's perceived continued efforts through the National Reform Conference to ensure that he can remain in office, Damachi said that it was increasingly likely that the retired generals/businessmen would "unleash the greyhounds", mid-level military officers who could mount a coup.
(S) 4. I reiterated what a disaster a coup against an elected government in Nigeria would be. Even if civil war were avoided, the country would return to pariah status, there would be negative implications for investment, and most international assistance programs would stop. Damachi said that Babangida's circle is aware of these consequences. Therefore, there was also the possibility that Obasanjo would suffer an "accident" or "fatal illness", perhaps similar to the circumstances of former military dictator Abacha's demise. I responded that Obasanjo is duly recognized as the chief of state, and that his achievements are major: ECOWAS, AU, a host of regional issues, now debt relief. Nigeria and Obasanjo are partners of the U.S. Coups and "accidents" are not acceptable options for the U.S. or the international community.
(S) 5. Damachi said that my recent speeches on democracy, the rule of law and the need for successful 2007 elections have been "noticed" and have "riled" at least parts of the military/business establishment. He also said that my statements about reviewing for possible revocation the U.S. visitor visas of those for whom there is a well-founded suspicion of corruption has generated considerable anxiety among the same group. He knew about, and referred to, Ambassador Obiozor's "urgent" meeting with me to discuss a specific visa case. Obiozor had wrongly linked a visa refusal to such anti-corruption efforts. (In this particular case, the visa applicant "forgot" to mention American citizen children.)
(S) 6. Turning to the July 1 Supreme Court ruling upholding the 2003 elections, Damachi said that the presidency successfully intimidated Chief Justice Uwais to render a favorable decision. The intimidation of Uwais had been so intense, Damachi continued, that the Lord Chief Justice had tried to resign. He had remained in office at the importuning of his northern supporters. Damachi said that Uwais and other judges were vulnerable on grounds of corruption -- and there had been a highly embarrassing press campaign accusing Supreme Court justices of malfeasance unleashed by the presidency.
(S) 7. Comment: Because we see Damachi from time to time, I assume he was freelancing, that our meeting was at his own instigation, not Babangida's. Nevertheless, it is extraordinary to hear a member of Babangida's even outer circle talking about the possibility of a military coup or an "accident", though Damachi has come close before with the Lagos CG (ref A). Therefore, I want to make a record of the conversation. I was at pains about the utter unacceptability to the U.S. and the international community of coups or "accidents". Damachi has known Babangdia for a long time: when Babangdia was chief of state in the late 1980's, he used Damachi as his link to the Nigerian labor movement and also to the U.S. embassy. But, Damachi has never served as a minister, and has been careful to keep a low official profile. Through all of the twists, turns, coups, counter-coups and elections in Nigeria since the end of the Biafra war, Damachi has never been jailed. Certainly Damachi's comments should not be taken as definitive of Babangida's own thinking. They may, however, reflect what is being said around him.
(S) 8. Comment, continued: the relationship between Obasanjo and Babangida is by no means clear. Ref. B reports Obasanjo's alleged mistrust of National security Advisor Aliyu Mohammed as one of Babangida's men. Nevertheless, they have been associates and coup co-conspirators for much of their careers and have been closely allied at various times to advance their tactical interests. Both, for example, appear opposed (at least for the moment) to Vice President Atiku's presidential aspirations. And, despite Damachi's suspicion, the President continues to state that he will leave office in 2007. Serious enmity between the two would seem more likely if Obasanjo did, indeed, seek to remain in office after 2007 than it is now.
(S) 9. Comment, continued: There continues to be no evidence that I have seen of coup plotting. It is also unclear how much influence retired military officers such as Danjuma or Malu retain over the military forces. it is true, however, that we know relatively little about the "greyhounds" or their ilk, and we do know that the military continues to be starved of funds and characterized by inept management. Nor, if Obasanjo dies suddenly or unexpectedly, should it be presumed that it results from malfeasance. We have reported in various channels that Obasanjo is older than his official age, apparently has diabetes, pursues violent exercise with little sleep, and blacks out from time to time. And, in general, Nigeria's standards of aviation or road safety are notoriously low.
(S) 10. Comment continued: Damachi's comment about possible U.S. visa revocation is evidence that this is an important way we can demonstrate our support for anti-corruption in Nigeria. We are also well-served by our inability to provide the names or numbers of those whose visas have been revoked. It is widely assumed that far more have been revoked than is the reality.
(S) 11. Comment, continued: I cannot comment one way or the other on whether or how Uwais was pressured by the presidency over the 2003 decision. However, it is nearly universally believed that the 2003 elections were deeply flawed, and the Court's decision has little credibility on the street. It is easy to ascribe to intimidation the rationale for the Court's decision.
(S) 12. Concluding comment: I see the significance of this conversation as that talk about coups, largely absent when I arrived in May 2004, has resurfaced. And, unless or until Obasanjo convincingly shows he is going to step down by supporting a successor in 2007, it is no surprise that people around Babangida (and many others) should speculate about possible dire scenarios. My bottom lines: I suspect Damachi's scenarios here reflect speculation -- or wishful thinking. But they are an indicator of the political atmosphere in this country as we move into an electoral season. CAMPBELL



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