Sunday, August 19, 2012

I'm Pregnant For My Sister's Husband Part 1, 2,& 3

I'm Pregnant For My Sister's Husband
Okay, before you judge me, you need to hear my story. Okay not mine, her's.

SHE is Nkechi.

Up until last month, Nkechi had an elder sister (her only sister, Joyce). In tears, she narrated a truly touching story of how she lost her only sister, dropped out of school and is now faced with the decision of aborting a 3month old pregnancy.

Nkechi and her sister come from a very poor background. Their mother died of bosom cancer when Nkechi was two and the father was and still is a drunk. Both girls were sent to live with their only surviving grandmother in the village. When Nkechi was three, her mother's brother came visiting with his wife.

'Mama', he said, 'we have decided to take Joyce to live with us in Enugu. At least we can send her to school'. But the mother pleaded for both girls to be taken together. 'They have never been apart since their mother died. Besides Nkechi is only two. Joyce is six, and she helps me take care of her sibling and also with chores in the house'. Her pleas fell on deaf ears though, as all they did was promise to send money for Nkechi's upkeep.

Enugu was a new experience for Joyce. She had never been away from the village, so city life was a plethora of adventures. She always got into trouble with her uncle's wife, either for coming late from school, keeping bad company, hanging outside the compound with street boys or delaying on finishing chores. Her uncle though was determined to fulfill his promise, if not for anything, as an honour to his late sister. After all, he thought to himself, 'I could not do anything for her when she had bosom cancer because i was only an apprentice. I had no money to take care of my sister or buy her drugs. I watched her die a slow and painful death. The least i could do is to train Joyce'. Although sometimes he wondered if he picked the wrong sister.

Time passed, and thankfully Joyce managed to keep her cool to go through a diploma program in the University. This was where she met Charles. They met at her friend's party and some how Joyce found herself attracted to this calm-looking, well-dressed young man. Not her usual type. Perhaps it was because he came in a car or his clothes looked expensive. She wondered if the car was truly his and she got her opportunity to ask when he offered her and her three 'crazy' friends a ride home.

'How can a student like you afford a car'?, she asked. He laughed at her crude confidence to ask such a question, just like that. 'It belongs to my father', he said, deciding within himself not to lie to impress her. As the car ride continued, she found out that Charles was the only son of his father. He was in his final year, studying Mechanical Engineering and is prospecting to work in his Uncle's construction company once he qualifies. She also found out that she liked him a bit, and was relieved to think he thought the same, as he asked for her number when he dropped her off.

The next two years saw Charles get married to Joyce who was now a matured, calm wife-material. Or so it seemed.

Nkechi was had just finished seconday school in the village. Joyce brought her to stay with them, having relocated to Lagos. After all, she was expecting her first child some time soon. Besides, Charles was doing very well financially and had opted to take care of Nkechi's education if she wanted to go to University.

Everything seemed fine, or so Nkechi thought. She was finally reunited with her sister and was getting the training she deserved. She didn't mind cooking, cleaning or taking care of her new-born nephew. It was the least she could do for her sister and the best brother in law she could have ever dreamt to have. However, this good feeling didn't last because something weird happened to her sister. Something happened, she couldn't explain what, but something definitely happened.

'What would make a wife and mother of a one year old stay go out all day, partying and clubbing', she asked me. She paused staring at me through her tears as if to get an answer and just before i could utter anything, she continued ,'i mean, sister Joyce would come back home by 11pm or sometimes early hours of the morning, sometimes drunk!'. She went on to explain how it had just started as night-outs with new-found friends every other week, but it now became an everyday occurrence. 'Nnamdi thinks i am his mother because she is never around to take care of him.... and uncle Charles.... well that's how it all started. See now i'm pregnant for her husband. It's all her fault!'

While i tried to wrap my mind around her story to figure out how her sister made her get pregnant for her own husband, Nkechi wept in the corner of my couch. 'So what happened?', I asked. 'How did you start sleeping with him?'

Story continues................

I'm Pregnant For My Sister's Husband PART 2

"But it's not like i just started sleeping with him na...I never meant for any of this to happen".

"I know Nkechi..but just tell me what happened". Looking at her curiously now, i asked, "I hope he didn't molest you".

"TUFIAKWA!", she screamed, throwing both hands in the air. "Uncle Charles is too decent for that...too gentle. My sister does not deserve him at all".

Now i'm beginning to think i am comforting a "husband-snatcher" so i ask with fading patience now, "So how did you get pregnant for him?"

She wipes her tears and continues her story...

One day uncle Charles got back from work late. He had travelled to Enugu and he stopped by the office before coming to the house. He was already tired and hungry by the time he got in at 9pm.

I noticed there was a change in his demeanor when he walked through the door. He looked upset about something. But i just figured it was because he was tired and hungry. So i quickly rushed to take his bag from him and greet him.

"Uncle welcome."

"Your sister is not at home, right?", he asked.

I was tired of making excuses for her. I've even had to lie on several occasions, saying she went to church for night-vigil. "No Sir", i answered.

He sighed deeply, and walked towards the 3-seater sofa, inviting me to take a seat.

"Nkechi, i'm going to divorce your sister".

Haaaa! Uncle please no oo...don't say that. God forbid. It will never happen. Tufiakwa!

While i was yet shaking my head, as if wishing his intentions away, snapping my fingers repeatedly amidst silent "tufiakwa's", Uncle Charles told me that he had made up his mind. He complained bitterly that night.

"Nnamdi does not know his mother again. That boy is will be three in December. The only time i see her close to him is when we go to church and i'm sure she does it to keep up appearances. Nkechi, you are an adult now. Some day, you too will get married."

I tried to speak here but he suddenly splurted "do you know we haven't Were Intimate for close to two years now?"

I quickly fixed my gaze at the floor to hide my embarrassment. I was so disappointed in my sister. What did this nice man do to deserve all this from her?

"People keep telling me they see my wife around town, in places where a married woman shouldn't be", he continued. "Thrice i have been called to say someone just saw my wife with a man". He shook his head at this point, with a sigh. Then he said, "Nkechi i am tired of her rubbish. And i am going to show her that i can also be a bad person". 

As if regretting what he just said, he asked, "am i a bad man, Nkechi? Do i treat your sister wrong".

I was already sobbing at this point. All i could do was to shake my head, with my face clasped in my hands.

"Why can't she be like you? 

See how Nnamdi loves you so much, as if you are his mother. You have been the one cooking my meals for me all these years. You clean after me and her also. Nkechi you have really taken care of me and my son. If only i had met you before...."

I already felt a lump grow in my throat...but he didn't finish his statement. I thought to myself how frustrated he must be.

Then he said, "You have to help your sister oh. If you don't want me to leave her. Because i am tired. TIRED!"

I knelt before him... "Uncle you know i will do anything. I will quit school and take care of Nnamdi. I know sister has been bad to you....i will....Uncle i will talk to her ehh....She will listen to me. Or i'll call Uncle in Enugu. He will talk to her. After all he practically raised her. Please Uncle Charles, don't divorce Sister Joyce".

The next words that came out of his mouth are the last thing i remember of my "good life".

Story Continues...............

I'm Pregnant For My Sister's Husband PART 3

"Nkechi, you have to replace your sister. I'm not just talking about cooking, cleaning and looking after Nnamdi... I need to do.... Nkechi, we will Be Intimate".

Horror flashed across her face as she screamed...WHAT?!!!

Uncle Charles!!!! How can you ask me for such a thing? How can....Oh my God.. 

She jumped to her feet and started walking towards her room, stopping to say, "I am leaving this house, RIGHT NOW!".

"Nkechi calm down. My mind is made up anyway...look, if you leave, i will divorce yous sister.

Where will you people go? To your grandmother who has been bed-ridden with diabetes? I have been the one keeping that woman alive. Or to your uncle in Enugu? You forget that his wife banned Joyce from ever stepping a foot in their house because of her reckless behaviours while she was living with them"

He moves closer to Nkechi who is now stood still facing him, realising how useless her situation is... "Nkechi you are an adult. Trust me, I would marry you if i could... you would make a better wife than your sister..eh...please just think about it". He made to touch her on the shoulder, but she shrugged his hands off and ran into her room crying.

A week passed, and nobody said anything about it. Nkechi hoped within herself that Uncle Charles had come back to his senses. But the fact that Joyce had spent two nights away from home was not helping matters. "What's sister's problem sef?". She was sat alone, thinking, in her room when her door opened. She raised her head to see Uncle Charles. They had not spoken about their discussion since that night, and here he was in her room...wearing only his undershorts.

Nkechi looks surprised, but soon her face is contorted into a 'knowing' frown. She barely mumbles, "Uncle what do you want?"

He said nothing. He simply looked at her and smiled. 

She looked in his eyes and was surprised that instead of hate, she was feeling pity for him. As he came closer to sit by her on the bed, she shifted a little and began to stare at the floor. All sorts of thoughts flashed through her head. "It's only 8pm and sister is not yet back? But what if she comes back early today. Is Uncle Charles serious about this thing?" She shook her head at her thoughts.

She noticed how gentle he was as he tugged her a bit closer to him. She resisted a little, looking away from him. But she could see him smiling from the corner of her eyes. As she turned to look at him, he planted a kiss on her forehead.

Nkechi gasped a little. Her lips moved... Another kiss, on her lips.

She was defenseless.

Story continues..................

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