Thursday, December 20, 2012

Jonathan warns elders at Yakowa’s funeral to stop making divisive comments .

PRESIDENT Goodluck Jonathan yesterday took exception to what he called the divisive statements of the nation’s leaders, urging them to mind what they say.
Speaking at the funeral of former Kaduna State Governor Patrick Yakowa in Fadan Kagoma, the President implored the elders to emphasise those things that unite rather than divide the country.
He said: “Utterances and words of elders are just like winds and waves that move, gather momentum and cause destructive effects which end results cannot be predicted. Responses of our young men and women are reflections of what the elders talk in public and even in private”.
It was unclear those the president was referring to since he did not mention names.
A few months ago, Jonathan and former President Olusegun Obasanjo fired brickbats at each other.
Obasanjo fired the first salvo when he blasted Jonathan for being weak in handling the Boko Haram menace.
The president fired back during the last Presidential Media Chat, describing the army’s 1999 invasion of Odi in Bayelsa State on Obasanjo’s order “as a disaster”.
“Old men, women and children and not militants were killed in the invasion,” Jonathan said.
Fadan Kagoma, the home town of the late Yakowa, was a beehive yesterday as the president led members of his cabinet, governors and other eminent Nigerians to the funeral.

At the funeral service which took place at the St Paul Catholic Church, Fadan Kagoma, Jonathan described Yakowa as a “bridge builder” who loved his people irrespective of their religion and tribe.
Yakowa, former National Security Adviser Gen. Andrew Azazi, Dauda Tsoho, Warrant Officer Mohammed Kamal, Commander Muritala Daba and Lt. Adeyemi Sowole were killed in an helicopter crash last Saturday on their way to Port Harcourt, Rivers State from Bayelsa State.
Yakowa’s widow, Amina said yesterday she had come to terms with her husband’s death.
Mrs. Yakowa urged the people to immortalise her husband by being committed to his ideals of peace, unity and development.
“May the death of my husband bring unity to the people of Kaduna”, she said.
Describing December 15 is a “dark Saturday”, Jonathan said: “Yakowa was a nationalist who played his roles very well as a civil servant of the old brigade and not as the civil servants of today when a director has more houses than Dangote”.
The president said there was no ethnic or religious divide in the late Yakowa’s blood, pledging the government’s continued support for his immediate family.
Kaduna State Governor Mukthar Ramalan Yero named the new carriageway and fourth bridge, in the metropolis, after the late Yakowa. He listed the achievements of the late Yakowa to include the fourth bridge and the access road, which the government named after him.
Yero recalled the late Yakowa’s words during his inauguration in April 2010, that he would not be governor for Christians alone but for all, adding: “This singular declaration endeared him to all citizens of the state and even beyond.
“His declaration in this respect manifested in his subsequent policies and programmes, thereby, earning him the acronym: Yakowa Nakowa. His vision was anchored on three cardinal thrusts, namely the task of security, unity and developing the state.
“He pursued these broad objectives with single-minded determination. The fruits of his labour had started manifesting before the cold hands of death took his life in the most tragic manner, the reality of which I am yet to come to terms with.
“My late boss, Governor Patrick Ibrahim Yakowa, exhibited uncommon leadership qualities. He was an embodiment of patience, simplicity, patriotism, peace, commitment to duty, thoroughness, honesty, nationalism, team player, experience in public service and a host of other sterling qualities that time and space will not permit me to mention”.
Yero promised to follow the foot steps of the late Yakowa by being governor for all, irrespective of religion, ethnicity or geo-political consideration, saying: “My constituency will be Kaduna State in its entirety.
“Nobody will be discriminated against on the basis of his faith or tribe. On the contrary, each and every citizen will be treated on his or her own merit. Let me in particular; assure the Christian community in the state that my government will do everything possible to protect their rights and privileges as guaranteed by the Constitution.
“The wisdom I tapped from my predecessor with regards to his sense of fairness, justice and equity will be fully utilised in the conduct of my official and even private businesses. My doors will be open for constructive criticism and initiatives on how to move the state forward in all spheres of life.
“I have also given my full commitment to the family of our departed governor, that as long as I remain the governor of Kaduna State, I will do everything possible to enhance their personal welfare.
“Painful as the demise of my boss is, I am consoled by the fact that we had opportunity to reconcile our differences on a number of issues, some of which are personal, before he passed on”.
Source: The Nation

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