Sunday, December 23, 2012

Time to profile Mass Murderers and serial killers by Race in America ?

409704_10151036515609509_1729424350_nRace Matters: Study Claims White Men Are More Likely To Commit Mass Murders Than Blacks Or Any Other Racial Group

Are White middle-class men more prone to shooting up schools, movie theaters and other public places??

Study Shows White Men Are More Likely To Commit Mass Murders


 Seattle Mall shooter Ian Lee Stawicki, 40
The father of the man who opened fire and killed five people across Seattle and later killed himself after a citywide manhunt, says his son was a very private person who was "disgruntled" and had been a frequent customer of the coffee shop where his rampage began.
"He was happy sometimes, but not really. He was kind of disgruntled," Walt Stawicki said about his son Ian Stawicki, who fatally shot himself after a killing spree Wednesday.
Seattle's Harborview Medical Center confirmed that Ian Stawicki, who according to his father, was unmarried with no children and had recently worked on a fish processing boat in Alaska, died at 6 p.m. local time Wednesday. 
Investigators believe the suspect, William Spengler, 62, set the original fire, then likely set himself up on a berm with a clear view of the scene and started shooting.

Why is no one asking what’s wrong with White Men in the United States?

Are white men more likely to carry out mass killings like last week’s Newtown tragedy or this past summer’s Aurora killings?
Is there something about the white, male, middle-class experience that makes it easier for sick young men to turn schools and movie theaters into graveyards? Some studies say, yes.
Via LAWSONRY News And Analysis reports:

While the majority of all violent crimes are perpetuated by men, American mass murders in particular seem to be the territory of white men. The Encyclopedia of Murder and Violent Crime writes that, “Compared with assailants who kill but one victim, mass murderers are overwhelmingly likely to be male, [and] are far more likely to be white,” and the numbers prove it. According to Wikipedia, 75% of the rampage killings on US record were perpetrated by white males, as were 71% of massacres in schools, and 60% of workplace rampages – a seriously disproportionate number for the number of white males that make up the general population. Clearly, there is more at play here than the advantage of opportunity.
Historically, the focus on serial killers and mass murderers has been on the individual motives for the crimes, and little on the overarching trend. It’s plausible that the elevated social status of white males combined with isolation, desperation, opportunity, and mental illness has led the white men who have gone on rampages to make their pain felt by those around them in a very violent way.
Of course, it isn’t just male privilege that makes men more prone to violent crime than their female counterparts. From the time they are toddlers, men are socialized to express their emotions through violence. Western culture – and especially American culture – teaches boys that emotional intelligence and expression is worthless and effeminate, and that the acceptable masculine response to anger, sadness, and/or frustration is to act out physically. If this mentality is particularly deeply rooted in an individual man, he may find it incredibly difficult to form an emotional support system, leading to more self-inflicted and outwardly motivated violence among men.
News outlets have a also broken down by demographic, shooter’s identities, weapons and number of victims of these shooters. The most common denominator, most of these killers were white men…
Via MotherJones reports:

Since 1982, there have been at least 62 mass murders* carried out with firearms across the country, with the killings unfolding in 30 states from Massachusetts to Hawaii. We’ve mapped them below, including details on the shooters’ identities, the types of weapons they used, and the number of victims they injured and killed.
*Mass Murder- The shooter took the lives of at least four people. An FBI crime classification report identifies an individual as a mass murderer—as opposed to a spree killer or a serial killer—if he kills four or more people in a single incident (not including himself), and typically in a single location.
Here is a sample of the timeline of mass murders. Only 6 of the 62 mass muderers featured were people of color…

With the newest mass shooting in Newtown captivating the world, it seems someone should ask the question. After all, if we had a pattern of midgets walking into public places, armed, and killing everyone possible, you can guess all the headlines would read, “What’s wrong with American Midgets!?”
Do you agree with the latest findings? Are white men more likely to commit these murders???
Check out the full timeline of mass shooting killers

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