Saturday, March 16, 2013

London Crook, Bonnie Nembaware Disgraced As £1 Million Goods Are Located‏

Published: March 15, 2013
London Crook, Bonnie Nembaware Disgraced As £1 Million Goods Are Located‏ thumbnailA London based cargo crook, Bonnie Nembaware, who told his customers he would send their goods “to Zimbabwe from the United Kingdom by road” and they believed him, has been named and shamed as goods for transactions estimated at a million pounds worth were located as some were seized.
This development emerges from an exclusive investigation by ZimEye over the span of 3 years to date which has led many of Nembaware’s victims discovering how their valuables never reached Zimbabwe. The investigation began in September 2009 when this publication carried the first article. At the time Nembaware was telling his customers to put anything dead or alive in the drums which he would swiftly send to Zimbabwe within less than 6 weeks.
But to the disappointment of scores of Zimbabweans, the shipments never left the UK contrary to the cargo businessman’s never ending false promises.
ZimEye can reveal that the disgraced businessman took more than 600 drums from customers as he pocketed more than £200,000 in hard cash. The goods included several vehicles some which have now been confiscated by the police since they did not have road tax and MOT papers.
ZimEye believes there are more transactions Nembaware faked for his own belly and this publication is preparing to reveal the completemonetary reach of his treachery. He blew the money and after failing to ship and well knowing so, continued to contract customers collecting their drums yet again without sending them. A smooth sweet talker, and an innocent-appearing family man, Nembaware upon receiving a telephone call from any part of England, would instantly start his engine to drive several hundreds of miles on his own as he claimed he did not want his customers to suffer. He would also travel with blankets in his van and customers would see him lingering in the neighbouhood several hours after collecting the drums and sometimes would be seen fast asleep with his engine running for several hours on end.
His sweet talking abilities enabled him to trick customers even when it was absolutely clear he was lying to the bone. He told one of his customers he would send her goods from London to Harare by road, and with this managed to convince the unsuspecting woman to go ahead and deposit a lumpsome £6400 in his bank account.
Later he would fail to pay the storage company and ended up dumping them and more than 600 drums ended up remaining stashed in London for several years while customers were being told they are now in Zimbabwe or were lost in transit.
But of the more than 600 drums, a humble charity worker, Mrs Mlambo, also a victim in London, has now managed to retrieve 60 using law enforcement officers.
Even after finding them, Mrs Mlambo still could not find her own drum. Mai Mlambo then contacted the British company in charge of storage’s owner complaining that her drum was not in the container. She was however shocked to be told the company ended up disposing a lumpsome 640 drums in order to set off costs.
Despite her failures, Mrs Mlambo however took it upon herself to assist other victims of Nembaware by recovering at least 60 drums and has been reaching out to others so they can collect them. The drums (pictured) have since been stuck at a property in South East London and been there for several months.
Mai Mlambo however has struggled to locate all victims of Nembaware.
But the local council complained to her because the drums have now created an eye sore in the residential area. The council is now demanding that she dispose or remove them.

Request from council
The Zimbabwe Community Organiser under the Citizens UK organisation, Mr Jeff Sango, who visited the premises yesterday has said he will be launching a request from the police and the local Council to grant a special grace period so that Zimbabweans who lost their valuables
can be assisted in collecting their drums.
” I shall request the council and police to give us a consession so that people can colllect their drums within good time. We shall also network with churches and pastors across the UK for this purpose,” he said.
Customers have been encouraged to contact Mr Sango on – sangojeff@gmail.com

Various dishonest Zimbabweans have continued to swindle unwary customers in various consumer services.
Mr Sango said he is also working on another campaign to deal with fake cowboy lawyers also known as “street lawyers” who have been cheating Africans on legal issues especially immigration matters. “You are likely to hear more of these dubious cases in the near future, and we need a regulatory body to monitor them”, he said.

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