Wednesday, August 28, 2013

New York Cop Punches Pregnant Rochester Woman In The Head as US celeberates MLK Day.


August 28th, 2013 - MLK 50th Anniversary !!     

Source: YouTube
Source: YouTube
I’m not even sure where to begin with this disturbing video.

This video has surfaced on the Internet of what appears to be Rochester police officers attempting to arrest a young woman and a young man while on a residential property. All of the details surrounding the arrest are still unclear, but what’s very evident is the excessive force used by one officer to subdue the young woman, who hysterically cried and screamed out that she was pregnant.
“I’m pregnant! Get off of me. You’re going to kill my baby,” the woman yelled, as the officer ordered her to put her hands behind her back.
About 48 seconds into the video, the officer shockingly throws the woman, who has been identified as 21-year-old Brenda Hardaway, up against a banister, punches her in the head and tackles her to the ground.
“My baby, no. My baby, please,” she pleads with the officer, who appears to be putting her in a headlock, as her family hysterically cries for help in the background.
According to the Democrat and Chronicle, the officer shown in the video is Lucas Krull. The incident reportedly occurred after officers tried to arrest another person and Brenda intervened. Police claim that Brenda was arrested because she threatened to use a can of pepper spray on them, but her mother, Claire Taylor, claims that she didn’t even have pepper spray on her at the time. Brenda’s 16-year-old brother, Romengeno, who can also be seen being apprehended by officers in the video, revealed that his sister didn’t want officers to put her hands behind her back because she was six months pregnant and feared falling forward.
“She didn’t want to get handcuffed from behind because she’s pregnant and she was afraid of falling forward,” he said.
So far there has been no word on what’s being done about the brutality demonstrated by Officer Krull, but Brenda has been charged with  second-degree assault, resisting arrest, unlawful possession of a noxious material and third-degree menacing. Oh, and in case you were wondering, the police were called to the home by a neighbor who overheard a familial dispute.
“It was a family dispute and there was no reason for the cops to be there. They had no consent to be on my property. We probably could’ve handled (our dispute) a little differently,” Claire told reporters.
In a press conference regarding the incident, Rochester Police Chief James Sheppard praised the officers involved in the incident for the level of restraint they used.
“I think if you watch the video what you do see is that all the officers involved used tremendous

restraint during the course of this event,” said Sheppard.
 Photo: It was a dream come true to see President Barack Obama take the stage 50 years later. Dr. King would be proud. #AdvancingTheDream #WhatsYourDream #MLKDream50


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