Thursday, September 5, 2013

VIDEO: Stella Damasus and Senator Yerima tackle child marriage on Al-Jazeera.

Nollywood actress, Stella Damasus who isn't in support of Child Marriage and Nigerian Senator Ahmed Yerima who is in support went toe to toe on the Al-Jazeera show The Stream to tackle the Underage Marriage issue in Nigeria.
The senator who is married to four wives, married his first wife at the age of 14
Senator Yerima also talks about how he met and married his 14 year old Egyptian bride and they have a child together.
Watch video below
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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

“The campaign against “Child marriage” is not intended to promote or preserve moral marriage and moral children upbringing and sexual morality. It is intended to achieve the opposite of this – “women’s sexual right and freedom”, “A woman’s body, her property to use as she likes (Row vs. Wade, 1973), Margaret Sanger’s racist eugenics termed “family planning”, and “Girls Rights” – all of which are based on feminism and belong to feminists, a group of women known as corruptor and destroyer of native, traditional, and religious moral marriage, children upbringing values, and sexual morality.

Teenage sexual intercourse, teenage pregnancy, and teenage abortion are the real issues that we should deal with under marriage, sexuality education, and not teen marriage.

I hold that any child who is old enough to have sexual intercourse is old enough to marry. I also hold that any girl who wishes to have sexual intercourse should get married in order not to violate the command of God, to avoid sexually transmitted diseases, especially the human immune system devastating disease (HISDD/AIDS. Early marriage is a virtue, a moral decision, and not a vice or criminal action. All Nigerians should approve it and commend it, not sully it.”