Tuesday, January 14, 2014

New health research warns that big breasted women face a high risk of breast cancer


WOMEN with large mammary glands face a high risk of breast cancer as well as several other health problems according to recent research just published by the International Seminars in Surgical Oncology.

According to data just unveiled by the organisation, women with huge busts not only have a higher risk of breast cancer but are also more prone to Type-2 diabetes, back pain, skin irritation and pollution exposure. Experts warned that there are some breast sizes that a woman cannot possess and simply carry on as if the whole world could wait.

Researchers, led by Chaminda Sellahewa of the Department of Surgery at the Russells Hall Hospital in the UK, said a study of 120 women for primary breast cancers at a large teaching hospital showed that big breasted women had a significantly greater tumour size than those with smaller breasts. Women at most risk were those with mastectomy weight greater than 800g.

Dr Sellahewa said: “It is hypothesised that women with large breasts are more likely to have node positive disease mainly attributable to their breast size. Also, larger breasts of obese women may make it difficult to detect early disease by palpation."

According to the scientists,  women with large breasts have more advanced stages of disease at presentation. They also suggest that women with large breasts may develop lymph node metastasis at a smaller size of primary breast cancer than those with smaller breast because of altered host responses.

In a study entitled Breast Size and Risk of Type-2 Diabetes Mellitus published in the Canadian Medical Association Journal, researchers assessed the prospective risk of developing the ailment according to bra cup size. They sampled over 92,000 women participating in the Nurses’ Health Study II.

In their study, the average age of the women at the start of the research was 38 years and during the 10-year follow up, a total of 1,844 women developed Type-2 diabetes. After taking into consideration numerous established risk factors such as physical activity, smoking, diet, family history of diabetes, body mass index and waist circumference, among others, it was shown that in a graded fashion, the bigger the bra cup size, the greater the risk of developing diabetes.

In addition, the online portal, medicaldaily.com, reported that when a woman has large breasts, she is at a greater risk of pollution exposure. It warns that bigger breasts put women at a greater exposure for pollutants because the body stores toxic chemicals in fatty tissue.

Furthermore, doctors pointed out that women with big breasts face a greater risk of back pain as it is tantamount to hulking a heavy backpack all over the place. Experts say those who have disproportionately large breasts often experience chronic or long-lasting pain that affects their quality of life.

Their research adds: “Ill-fitting bras do not support breasts properly, leading to shoulder grooves, which in turn leads to neck pain, which can bring on headaches and migraines. It’s a vicious cycle of painful health problems.”

Also dermatologists say a woman with large, pendulous breasts can experience yeast infection, skin rashes and  irritation under the breasts because the area is almost always wet. They added that the situation is worse when there is warm, humid weather.

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