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  • The fifth anniversary of Michael Jackson’s death is just days away.
    Now, Conrad Murray, the man who was convicted of involuntary manslaughter in Jackson’s death, wants to tell his side.
    Murray is releasing a video on a website he created.
    That’s from a video on the website “DoctorConradMurrayTalks.com”.
    In the video Conrad Murray goes into detail about almost every piece of evidence brought against him during the trial.
    He starts with the biggest piece of evidence, the one that was discussed most, and the role the surgical Anesthetic Propofol played in Michael Jackson’s death.
    The video then shows a full screen graphic which reads, “What you’re about to witness is a profoundly disturbing example of judicial corruption.  Injustice, prejudice, deception and unjust punishment craftily pervade many societies.  Be aware, this to can happen to you.”
    The video then goes on for an hour and a half discussing Michael Jackson’s chronic insomnia, how a plan was devised to ween him from the use of Propofol and other drugs.
    Murray states that the prosecution and its witnesses were in collusion against him.
    I spoke with Dr. Murray last night and asked him why he was so adamant about releasing this video and telling his side of the story.
    He told me exclusively that “the purpose for releasing this video to the world is to highlight the injustices, deception, tampering with evidence, and obstruction of justice in the trial that led to my unjust conviction and incarceration, and above all it is to demonstrate my innocence.”
    Two and a half years after he was found guilty and five years after Jackson’s death, Dr. Murray still calls Michael Jackson one of his best friends and believes the system failed him, Dr. Murray.
    He cannot get back the more than two years he spent in prison.
    But he does appear to be trying to rewrite his history in the court of public opinion.
    Can he change that?
    We’ll see soon enough after people watch and analyze the video and after he starts a media campaign that we’ll all witness very soon.
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