Monday, July 14, 2014

Pope Francis Says One In Every 50 Roman Catholic Priest Are Pedophiles In His Interview With An Italian Newspaper

Pope Francis has revealed that one in every fifty Catholic priests is a paedophile, it has been reported.

The Pope reportedly told Italian newspaper la Repubblica that abuse of children was like 'leprosy' infecting the Church
The pontiff was quoted as saying that advisors had told him that reliable figures show that ‘paedophilia inside the church is at the level of two per cent.’
The Pope reportedly told Italian newspaper la Repubblica that abuse of children was like 'leprosy' infecting the Church.
Francis said the ‘corruption of a child is the terrible and unclean thing imaginable’ and vowed to 'confront it with the seriousness it demands'.
He said that paedophilia was unfortunately common and widespread. He said: ‘The church is fighting for the eradication of the habit and for education that rehabilitates. But this leprosy is also present in our house.’
He added: ‘Many of my colleagues who are working against it tell me that paedophilia inside the church is at the level of two per cent.

The Pope reportedly told Italian newspaper la Repubblica that abuse of children was like 'leprosy' infecting the Church
He said the figures were supposed to reassure him adding, ‘But I have to say that they do not reassure me by any means. On the contrary I find them deeply concerning.
'Among the two per cent who are paedophiles are priests and even bishops and cardinals’, he was reported to have said.  
Many more are guilty of covering it up by keeping quiet, he said, adding,‘ This state of affairs is intolerable and its my intention to tackle it with the severity it deserves.'
Vatican spokesman Father Federico Lombardi said that the newspaper’s overall message was faithful to Francis' words, saying it ‘captured the spirit’ of the conversation.
The Vatican has since denied that Francis had said that there were some cardinals who were paedophiles
The Vatican has since denied that Francis had said that there were some cardinals who were paedophiles
But he denied that Francis had said that there were some cardinals who were paedophiles.
While Francis’ reforms to the Vatican have been sweeping, he has been accused of not doing enough to tackle the crisis.
Two damning reports by the UN this year have accused the Vatican of ‘systematically’ adopting policies that allowed priests to rape and molest thousands of children.
But last week Francis issued his strongest words on the subject begging for forgiveness for the ‘sacrilegious’ crimes committed by ‘the sons and daughters of the church who have betrayed their mission. ‘
British abuse victim Peter Saunders, 57, who was molested by two priests, a teacher and a member of his family from the age of 8 described the experience as ‘life-changing.

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