Monday, August 25, 2014

Breaking *** UK Agents Identify Man who beheaded American journalist James Foley As Abdel-Majed Abdel Bary, from Maida Vale in West London

British security services MI5 and MI6 have reportedly identified a radicalized former British hip-hop artist as the key suspect in the hunt for the killer who beheaded American journalist James Foley. Abdel-Majed Abdel Bary, from Maida Vale in West London, had become a crucial part of the investigation.
According to The Sunday TimesBary is a  hip-hop artist and son of a man accused in America of bombing US embassies in Africa in 1998.
Whitehall and police officials told the paper that MI5 is now certain of the identity of the British jihadist who appeared in the beheading video posted by ISIS last week.
“The MI5 investigation into the man behind James Foley’s murder is ongoing but they have managed to identify the masked British jihadist who can be seen in the video holding a knife to his throat,” a police intelligence source said.
Bary recently tweeted a photo of himself holding up a severed head.
In June, The Sunday Times revealed a threat made by Bary on Twitter. “The lions are coming for you soon you filthy kuffs (infidels),” he wrote. “Beheadings in your own backyard soon.”
Bary, who went to Syria last year to fight in its bloody civil war, has a build, skin tone and ­accent all similar to those of “John,” according to The Telegraph.
Before becoming a jihadist, he was an aspiring rapper known as “L Jinny,” whose music was played on BBC Radio 1.
Bary also appeared in music videos posted on YouTube for songs titled Overdose, Flying High and Dreamer.
But he was reportedly radicalised by followers of firebrand ­Islamic preacher Anjem Choudary and walked out of his family’s plush West London home last year, saying he was “leaving everything for the sake of Allah.”
Earlier this month, he was seen in a photo posted to Twitter wearing camouflage clothing and a black balaclava while holding a severed head with his left hand — the same hand “John” is seen using to draw a knife across Foley’s throat in his execution video.
Witnesses who were held hostage by ISIS have said Bary is one of several jihadists they nicknamed “the Beatles” due to their British accents, with two of his partners referred to as “George” and “Ringo.”
Bary was among three Brits identified as possibly being the masked killer known as “John”

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