Monday, August 18, 2014

KKK Raising Money For White Cop Who Shot Unarmed Black Teen In Ferguson

Adding to the tension in Ferguson, Mo., the South Carolina-based New Empire Knights of the Ku Klux Klan says its Missouri chapter is raising money for the white police officer who shot and killed Michael Brown, 18, who was scheduled to begin college classes this week, the SPLC reports.

“We are setting up a reward/fund for the police officer who shot this thug,” the Klan group said in an email. “He is a hero! We need more white cops who are anti-Zog and willing to put Jewish controlled black thugs in their place. Most cops are cowards and do nothing while 90% of interracial crime is black (and non-white) on white.”
“Michael Brown was a black punk. He was not a good kid,” the Klan chapter wrote on their site. “Brown was the typical low IQ negro. He was stopped by police and instead of obeying the law; he assaulted a white officer and tried running away. The Jewish media and black community now want ‘justice”. Justice has already been served. A black criminal is no longer walking the streets.”
Anonymous released the name of the Officer who shot and killed Mike Brown. Perhaps they should release some information on the Klansmen who are seeking donations. Take those hoods off their heads, so to speak.
I recall Republicans donating to George Zimmerman for his defense and later so that he could buy another weapon.

1 comment:

my ten cents said...

What should anyone expect? More white police officers find it easier to hide behind their uniforms and do the works of the KKK, instead of openly identifying with the Klan (for fear of losing their jobs). Blacks should educate and inform their children that all is not well in this country as they think.

If you want to change things for good in this country, constitute a powerful voting bloc. How can you not be part of the government in a community where you are 67% of the population? That is abominable, and a strong example of black complacency that white America capitalize on to control minorities.

No one can save you from yourself. Educate your children on the reality in existence today, before they end up summarily executed by a white police officer in some street corner.