Yoruba movie star, Bisi Ibidapo Obe spoke on this and much more, including her rumoured wedding plan with new lover, reconciliation with Hon. Dino Melaye, alleged father of her daughter, Destiny Anjolaoluwa…See excerpts below: It will be up to a year you opened your shop, B.I.O Lingerie. How would you describe the experience in terms of patronage? bisiIt would have been over a year but the shop wasn’t equipped enough at the time I got it, so it wasn’t operational at the initial stage. I had to wait till it was fully loaded with the necessary items before it was officially commissioned. Soon, we will mark its first anniversary. Concerning patronage, I will say so far so good, God has been very wonderful to us. People patronize us daily, both men and women, old and young. They come regularly. And not only that, they also discover that what we sell are reasonable. How has the business changed your life since you started out? A lot of changes. I see myself as a busy person now. It’s not easy sleeping at home when you’re not on location. I am happy I have another lucrative business now. And it’s fully equipped to my taste. I have a personal office there. I will say a lot of wonderful things have been happening in my life since I opened the shop. I have met new people, both men and women, apart from those I knew as an actress. We learnt the shop is worth millions of naira. How much exactly did you spend on it? It’s not a lie, B.I.O Lingerie is a multi-million naira project. I can’t really say this is the exact amount I invested in it. All I know is that it’s beyond me, it’s God. He has been wonderful to me. It was reported a couple of weeks back that even married couples patronize you for s*x toys? No, a point of correction, I am not into s*x toys really. My shop is called Lingerie, where we deal in undies for both men and women. We sell so many things, including shoes, bags, scarfs, bras, night wears for men and women and even children. The s*x toys people are referring to is just a small section of the business.
And to me, it’s not a big deal. It’s only our mentality here in Nigeria that’s somehow. In the Western world, they don’t see it as anything big. Left to me, anybody using s*x toys is even decent compared to a prostitute. If you’re using a s*x toy, you’re better than a woman jumping from one bed to the other. Before such a person realizes, she has contracted S*xually Transmitted Diseases. She can even be infected with HIV/AIDS.
But with the use of s*x toys, nothing like that can happen to you. I didn’t open s*x toy shop, it’s just a small section of the whole business. It’s just an addition to what I deal in. Is it true that couples patronize you? Why not? They come, even regularly. And when they feel like. Is it true that celebrities like you also buy s*x toys from you? Why not? Anytime they feel like. How do you juggle your new business and acting? I cope well because none is affecting the other. Remember, I can’t be on location for weeks or months. So, if I am not on location, I have to be in my shop, attending to my clients. And if I want to go to location, it doesn’t affect my business because I have a responsible shop attendant. Even now, most of the locations I go are within Lagos. So, I have no problem about that. Are you working on your personal movie now? Yes, I am working on my new scripts. By June or July this year, I will begin the shoot by the grace of God. But it was long ago you produced a movie, why? Yes, that was about six years ago. The title of the movie was Igbonran san. Since then, I have not produced any movie to call mine. What’s responsible for that? That’s my style. Those who know me very well will testify to it. I don’t rush things. I do everything when it’s necessary. I always take my time before I come up with a new movie. Right from day one in the industry, I never liked appearing in just any movie. And anytime I want to produce, I always make sure the movie is better than the previous one. We Yoruba actors can’t pay ourselves professionally. Most times, we help one another. But left to me, I won’t say because we help one another, I will now take whoever that’s featured in my movie for granted. So, that’s why I take my time and weigh everything involved in shooting a movie. For instance, for me to feature in any movie, I will have to make sure my director is good. The movie has to do with good locations, others I am acting along, costumes, camera and all that. Even the storyline must be very good. Do you still see yourself as one of the highest paid actresses in the Yoruba movie sector? Yes, of course. Okay, what was the highest fee you have ever collected? I can’t disclose that. It’s a private issue. It’s between myself and whoever is the producer of the movie. People out there, especially your fans are saying you’re no longer appearing in movies as before. What’s the reason? It’s true but I will apologise to them for that. It’s not as if I am arrogant, I don’t like appearing in movies just for appearing sake. And besides, I need to relax a little after giving birth to my baby. I need to take good care of her and so many things. Also, if people like us don’t sit back, those coming would not move forward. We should allow them to showcase their talents and progress in their career. It can’t be you, you and you alone all the time. So, that’s also one of the reasons they have not been seeing me in many movies in recent times. But now, I am back fully and I promise they will be seeing me more often than ever. What would you say being an actress has not done for you? Nothing really. I would say acting has done almost everything I asked from God. I think what I am looking on to God for now, is having my personal house. I will also like to acquire a private jet (laughs). So far, so good, I have been greatly blessed as an actress and film maker. Let’s go a little private. Days back it was reported by a social media that you have found a new love and that very soon, wedding bell will ring. How true is it? Anybody has the right to say anything. Nothing like that can bother me again. Right now, I am still single. And anytime I want to marry, I will invite you all. Does it mean you have truly found a new love or you’re still searching? I think that should be private. So, I don’t talk about it. Okay, how does it feel being a single mother? I am happy as a mother. I see my child every day and she is growing in the way of the Lord. But to be honest, it’s not easy being a single mother. But I thank God, help comes all the time, even from the least expected source. So, who am I to complain? God has been with me all this while and I will forever be grateful to Him. Also, I have a very good family that supports me all the time. How old is Destiny now? She is two and a few months. To be precise, she was two in November last year. On Tuesday, January 27, 2015, you added another year, how old is Bisi Ibidapo Obe now? I am still a young girl, I just clocked 38. Glory be to God. At 38, what are the things you can’t be involved in again? You can’t see me fighting in public again. Also, you can’t see me demanding respect from anybody, be it within and outside the industry. But if you know I deserve it, give me. I can’t also be involved in anything I am above. Even at 38, what will you say life has taught you? A lot of things that I can’t even finish mentioning. But so far so good, I give glory to Almighty God. Lest we forget, a couple of months back, there was a tale that Hon. Dino Melaye, alleged father of your daughter, Destiny came back to apologise and beg for the baby. How true is it? Is it your prayer that Dino Melaye won’t come back to claim his daughter? Back to your question, I don’t have any comment on that. Let’s leave everything for God.
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