Wednesday, April 22, 2015


Image result for BABA SUWE SHIT

My attention has been drawn to the news circulating in the social media attributed to me captioned “ U.S. based Nigerian Calls for the Killings of the Igbos”.  This story is categorically FALSE. It was generated by computer fabricators, manipulated and bandaged to create havoc.  Our investigations indicate that this horrible story was cooked, seasoned and delivered to get back at me for my sympathy for the Oba of Lagos during the recently concluded, highly contested Lagos State gubernatorial election. At the peak of the debate, there were heated exchanges and at the heat of the moment, statements were made from both sides that could be misconstrued.  The subsequent distortion by these sophisticated fabricators is causing significant injustice to us all. To all the people affected by the original debate or subsequent computer distortions, I hereby apologize. No matter what, these stories are offensive and highly regrettable.
 I condemn these computer fabricators in their entirety. I further condemn any killings or any acts of violence anywhere, be it South Africa or Lagos.  Humanity will judge these people harshly.  I work every day to save people’s lives from heart attacks. I am writing this letter with only 3 hours of sleep in the past 48 hours due to the nature of my work and the barrage of death threats on me and my family.  I am Yoruba, but I have worked closely with Igbos all my life without any problem.  It came as a shock to me and my Igbo colleagues, that I was being labeled as an Igbo hater.  Indeed, I appreciate the confidence and support that I have received from my friends and well wishers that know me from around the world.  I thank you for the support and your continued prayers in face of this unwarranted and relentless attack created by this false story.  My only true statement regarding the Oba of Lagos was taken out of context on completely unrelated issue and bandaged together to create this horrendous story.   To prove that I am no Igbo hater, but in fact, I am my brother’s keeper, I will take you through an improbable journey of a young Nigerian boy from a small town to the world’s pinnacle of academic medicine. I will highlight the practical examples of my close relationships with some of my Igbo colleagues all along the way.  
 At the Univeristy of Ibadan, the first Nigerian University, I received the best medical education that could be obtained under the sun.  My teachers were Yoruba, Igbos, Hausa, and Fulani. During our training, we were tribal free.  I am currently working with an old U.I colleague, who is a U.S. based Cardiologist, and an Igbo, Dr. Obi Emerole as we put together the First Lagos Cardiovascular Symposium this summer in Ikeja, Lagos.  
At Howard University Hospital, where I trained as a medical resident and chief resident, my Igbo friends were Dr. John Agwunobi and Dr. Ahagtotu.  Dr. Agwunobi later became the secretary of health to Governor Jeb Bush in Florida, and, Dr. Ahaghotu is now the head of Urology and Associate Dean at the Institution.  We were all interns, bound together as Nigerians, without tribal affiliations.  We ate together, were on call together, and partied together on Saturday nights whenever we had time.  
 In 1995, I was a research fellow at Harvard Medical School’s Brigham and Women’s Hospital in Boston, Massachusetts, where I was simultaneously enrolled for Master degree at the Harvard School of Public Health.  I reached out to all the Nigerians in the Boston area institutions and we had regular meetings as “one Nigeria.”  It was that year in Boston that I actually met Professor Wole Soyinka and the late Professor Chinua Achebe.
At the Johns Hopkins Hospital, regarded as the number one hospital in the United States, I was an Interventional Cardiology fellow.  My immediate senior colleague, Dr. Camellus Ezeagwu was Igbo.  I went to his house quite often for some “Fufu and goat meat” that his beautiful wife regularly prepared for us.
 & fabrication by detractors say .  Our families enjoy time together and vacation together.  I have served in various capacities under the umbrella of the Association of the Nigerian Physicians in The Americas (ANPA). I was humbled to be the keynote speaker at the recent end of the year event. I have also served in our communities and churches encouraging our youth to pursue a carrier in medicine.  I have served as head, chairman, director, and secretary in various capacities in different Nigerian organizations that included Yorubas and Igbos for the past 30 years, and not once has anyone said that I hate one group or the other. I currently serve as mentor for lots of young Nigerian doctors. I help them get into residency and fellowship around the country (Yorubas and Igbos alike). As we speak, I have several Yorubas and Igbos students rotating under my service at the hospital.
Nigeria is my country and I am proud of her. She gave me a lot and I intend to continue to give back. I will not let some people create a wedge between me and this country that I love. I believe my only sin was the support that I gave to the Oba of Lagos. As a son of a monarch myself, I have utmost respect for our native rulers. Thus, the position that I took during the debate leading to the highly spirited Lagos State gubernatorial election might have offended some people. For me, this is a lot of price to pay when I am not even a politician. It also shows how far people will go for payback. But, please, this is not a game for me. I have my plate full in USA. I would rather use this time to save lives and improve the health of people, or increase the chances of other Nigerian kids getting to where I am today rather than responding to false stories designed to get back at me for my different political position.  At the time that I am writing this missive, I have received over 500 telephone calls that are mostly death threats. Please let us calm down and work together for peace.
I hope my story clears some ambiguities regarding this unfortunate computer manipulated and generated story.  Although, it hurts a lot, I will forgive them (the fabricators). We want every Nigerian to live in peace and harmony. We seek a more tolerant Nigeria, a vibrant Nigeria where there is freedom and liberty, where no one is inferior or superior to the other. We need to band together and start building our nation towards prosperity and a brighter future as we move forward to a more perfect Nigeria.  God bless Nigeria.  God bless us all.

 Abraham Ariyo
Sent from my iPhone
Texas Based Nigerian Doctor Calls for Igbo Massacre, Goes into Hiding



This comical denial by Dr Ariyo reminds us of  Babatunde Omidina aka Baba Suwe,  till today nobody really knows if he carried the cocaine or not , they only difference this time is that FACEBOOK has an unadulterated  hard drive that can be retrieved tamper free to disprove Dr Ariyo that some one some how altered his hateful script.
Dr Ariyo's sudden 72 hours U-Turn tantamounts to an act of cowardice , he wasn't man enough to own it ! . He chickened out ! dishing out a comical sophomoric treatise in the process.

Having said that we commend him for coming out of hiding to send this rebuttal and apology  or attempt to cover up. As an unorthodox news media not Ibo owned we developed interest in this case because the person who made the threat or call for genocide has the capacity in his own little way to carry out that threat in his field of work , we may have ignored  the same if it came from a Lawyer or Engineer. His thoughts could easily be carried out by a shot of a liquid into a vein of a hated person by virtue of last name and that's why you see the world wide out rage.

This serves a lesson to many in critical positions who do not realize it  to think critically before the press the send button because contrary to what Dr Ariyo is attempting to sell that its a fake or fabricated by his invisible enemies , once you hit the send button you cannot take it back ! He will be known forever as an Igbo hater worldwide.
We here at Eagle Eye Report  having read his comic now see him as the typical loquacious cowards abound on the streets of Lagos  and urge the tribe hurt by his hateful rhetoric  to forgive and forget .


Dear doctor Adeniran, 

it is very interesting that you have  time on your hands to express yourself on Facebook /social media on matters that have  no connection to the nature of your job, take partisan jabs,  but think it makes sense to mention your 3 hours of sleep in 48 hours.  I guess you are mature enough to strike a fine balance between earning a living  and  your extra-professional chats  in the social media.  Not withstanding  your sleep deprivation, the  contextual point is whether you explicitly or implicitly echoed  or supported tendencies and errant utterances that may result in harm befalling the Igbos as a target population. 

Noting your friendships with some Igbos in your classes,  how you ate and partied along,  conducted academic presentations could be therapeutic or useful to you when accused  of ethnic-oriented malaise.  But  does it diminish the gravity of the accusation; neither would it rationalize your culpability if you wrote what is offensive based on ethnicity. 

Injecting the names of people - Agwunobi, Obi Emerole etc. as your exculpatory evidence in this sordid matter is too self-serving and unethical.  Surely, the expediencies you engaged in are not synonymous with the anthology of medicine for the benefit of Nigerians, babies  or humanity. Therefore,  the drop of names and associated positions  in government or the world of academia and medicine digress from your own accountability on what you specifically wrote, which is deemed offensive to others, even if you think your views were misconstrued. 

Please stay on point. Why? Even Jim Crow adherents in the South had some black friends. Before that, slave owners did more like having children with their slaves while brutalizing the target population. Ethnic violence is not necessarily committed by those who profess to hate the country. The Oba of Lagos would tell you he loves Nigeria, too, while singling out Igbos for his political debauchery. You say you come from a monarchial family. Very well, sir. But if we all start writing about family backgrounds  to  explain away  irresponsibility for our actions,  the social sphere would be populated by more opportunistic rascals than reasonable people.

So Mr. Ariyo, we can all be  reasonable and it boils down to a simple point: What did you admittedly write? Ola Kassim indicates hate speech is protected. Yes, people are not constitutionally bound to love others. 

You admitted to defending/supporting  the Oba of Lagos,  Rilwanu Akiolu, at the time when he predicted that perishing inside the Lagoon is a destination for Igbos who are non-compliant: those who would not vote for the APC gubernatorial candidate.  The APC distanced itself from the Oba's murderous idea,  which violates Section 42 of the Constitution that  prohibits discrimination on grounds of ethnicity, religion, political opinion, creed or sex. Human rights lawyer, Femi Falana, called for the Oba of Lagos  to apologize to the Igbos “without delay.”  

Can anyone go to your Facebook page and read where you condemned the barbaric tactics? If not, it can be safely assumed that you forgot where your best man comes from, all the Igbo people  you named in your write-up,  and the value of  coming together as "One Nigeria," which you organized around Boston.  Waow, the selective amnesia and  lack of conscience in imagine brandishing can make Machiavellian enthusiasts blush with envy.

Sir, talk of misconstruing meaning, it would be clear to an elementary school pupil that you are deliberately misconstruing  ethnic-based threats by disseminating a false premise.  It was never  about Akiolu having a political opinion; even birds do. It was about his diabolic aim at the Igbos in Lagos. Please do not take refuge in democratic allowances  in order to disguise and promote a latent intent.  

You posted, on your Facebook page,  an article written by Segun Adebowale with the headline: Polls: Yoruba interest group, COSEG, backs Oba Akiolu.  The main thrust reads "The coalition stated that as custodian of custom and tradition of his people, Oba Akiolu cannot be faulted for supporting a candidate he knows very well and can vouch for unlike an unknown candidate who has consistently maintained his support for the people of the Niger Delta and played the ethnic cards owing to his desperation for power."

The above is an ordinary and pedestrian opinion that can be  fanned by partisans of all stripes during campaigns. It does not  raise an eyebrow. Agreed, Akiolu, area boys, touts, pastors and all enjoy the right to advocate for their candidates. The ensuing outcry was about his doomsday  wish for Igbos who do not vote his way; not his civic or traditional prerogatives.  C'mon now, who is kidding who with your "true statement."

With due respect, what you elaborated on is irrelevant when it did not address the specific accusation. For examples:

1)  Pouring your beliefs on Faceboook is not incidental to services to the Association of the Nigerian Physicians in The Americas. 

2) To the extent that the crux of the matter requires  socio-emotional intelligence and civilized comportment, which regulate behaviors in heated disagreements, your time as a research fellow at Harvard Medical School’s Brigham and Women’s Hospital in Boston, Massachusetts and simultaneous enrollment for Master degree at the Harvard School of Public Health, did  not address what begins with home-training. By the time people go through adolescence, certain profound behavioral tendencies, regardless of the level of formal education, are already formed. 

The ability to recognize a lapse in judgement and apologize go a long way to heal rifts or rancor. It takes an honest soul. However, if you are unwilling to be specific, prefer spinning,  and clouding the issues with your biography, it is your evasive right.   It may be helpful for you to assume that you are not writing to an impressionable and unsophisticated public where all readers do not understand the context of writing, connotations, and audience consideration. 


Ms Joe


Akin Awofolaju New York said...

Hate breeds hate, the moment I saw the initial message I was extremely shock and flabbergasted, I know that its an awkward message, It can't come from any homebred Yoruba man, I know straight out its a false & fabricated innuendoes because few days before this message someone, a coward with fake name "Ihenadiogu" - Igbo words " something hot" responded to my posting regarding my disagreement in allegedly claimed to Oba of Lagos followed with spurious comments against the Oba where I simply put " disrespect to the crown or obaship is an abomination in Yoruba land" and the individual posted "Do you draw any semblance between xenophobia in South Africa and "Ethnic cleansing in Lagos"? How are we sure this individual didn't go to Dr. Ariyo's facebook and manipulate falsehood to make him look bad simply because he had a debate with him and he didn't like his contribution? I have said it, time and time again on this forum that there is limit to hatred. We are all Nigerians, no Nigerian should wish another Nigerian or any human being dead, I don't care what tribes, its damn narcissistic individualism and its wicked. Evil begets evil people....stop hate mongering, stop ethnic hatred....I don't know how you wake up in the morning and start this kind of hate business. This world of ours must avoid becoming a community of dreadful fear and hate, and be, instead , a proud confederation of mutual trust and respect. It is sad some people are hateful. I have come to realization that throughout our life people will make you mad, disrespect you and treat you bad. I strongly believe there is some good in the worst of us and some evil in the best of us. When we discover this as an individual, we are less prone to hate our alleged enemies. You can't hate the roots of a tree and not hate the tree. You can't hate Nigeria as a country and not hate yourself. When you hate,it takes so much energy from you than to wish someone well. Human being is not born with feeling of hate or envy, it was preached to him from birth and if he gives way to them, it will germinate and thrive and it will lead him to violence and crime, and any sense of good faith and care and humane will be abandoned. From deepest nationalistic desires often come the deadliest hate. If you hate somebody, its like a hot sharp arrow of sadness that misses its target and comes right back at you and hits you in the head. The one who hates is the one who hurts because his mind & soul is embittered and not free or clean and you will be forced to deal with an invisible yet excruciating pain in your heart and worst still transferring it to your generation yet unborn. Its so sad. What's your benefits living half of your life hating others. Let God deal with the things you can deal with or handle, after all, you have hated for 50 years what did you gain from it. And surprisingly 100% of this haters are Christians, what do you do in church every Sunday? Pray? and you get answers? I doubt it.....because Jesus said until we clean our hearts we can't come to him. Stop hate in your heart before it consumed you and your children. I love each and everyone of you and I'd hoped you change today. I'm not perfect too but I pray for forgiveness every given chance. STOP INTERNET HATE NOW

Dr. Michael Okolo-1, MBA, MS, CEP, Ph.D CEO. said...

Thanks a million for the piece on Dr. Ariyo. This is the first time I am writing or commenting on your articles. Good journalism.
This article shocked me. I consider Dr. Ariyo my friend and brother. Dr. Ariyo lived with me for a while in Baltimore Washington area in the Capital of the Capitalist World. His brother Peter Ariyo lived with me much longer.

Yes, I am an Igbo man from Obinofia Ndi Uno, Ezeagu LGA, Enugu State. People sometimes, out of ignorance, say and/ or perform out stupidity. If he said or wrote what I read, he must recant immediately says Dr. Okolo-1. Dr. Ariyo, if you read this, please let me know. For I have not heard from you for a while, and making such alleged comments are offensive to me as an Igbo man.

As you know, I am definitely an Igbo man, the CEO of Oracle Financial Group, with Post Doctorate from Harvard, PhD Madison, MBA, Morgan State; Attended California Western School of Law; MS/BA Planning New York University. You understand what time it is Dr. Ariyo.

God has blessed Nigeria, America and the World. The question is does Nigeria recognize her blessings from the Good Lord?

Thanks for the information Oke Osisi.

Dr. Michael Okolo-1, MBA, MS, CEP, Ph.D