Tuesday, May 5, 2015


The Deputy Director General of the Goodluck Jonathan presidential campaign organization –President Jonathan set up his presidential campaign organization, Peter Obi was assigned in charge of the south east – and given the organizational title of deputy director general. Mr. Peter Obi became in charge of dissemination of resources and finances for all political activities within the said region – including on Election Day.

The beginnings of the betrayal by Peter Obi came when the Election Day plan was developed by a campaign team employed by the presidency to map out a strategy for victory at the polls. The campaign team were reported to comprise of former top officers of INEC and of the Nigerian intelligence community. The team’s primary responsibility included coercion of voters and INEC workers at the polling units on March 28, 2015 through heavy financial inducement.

A competent source conversant with the activities within the presidency revealed the strategy employed. He said varying amounts of money were earmarked for polling units across the country. For the south south and south east geopolitical zones – which the team marked as green states – were earmarked for N300,000 per polling unit – while the polling units in the north central zone – which were marked as grey states – were earmarked N500,000 per polling unit. The team had targeted having a significantly bumped up voter turnout rate in the three geopolitical zones of south south, south east, and north central – to outbalance the expected poll figures from the north west and north east geopolitical zones.

Through this effect, the sum of N27billion was earmarked for the south east and south south – and was remitted to the deputy director general – Mr. Peter Obi – through the instrumentality of the minister of petroleum resources, Mrs. Diezani Allison Madueke.

But on Election Day, the south east states did not deliver enough votes for the President. Mr. Peter Obi, according to PDP chieftains who participated in Anambra elections on March 28, 2015, failed to distribute the money as agreed in the plan. Only N30,000 was distributed instead of the N300,000. For this reason, the INEC polling officials were not as willing to bump up the poll numbers as was done in 2011. The numbers registered at the south east polling units averaged at 550,000 to 660,000 for the PDP per state against an available voter’s strength that averages a little below 2,000,000 for each of the south east states – equivalent to about 4,000,000 to 5,000,000 votes – enough to give the President the expected victory.






These men represent the highly place Igbos on the corridors of power in Nigeria. You can call them eccentric , egocentric , egotistic , saboteurs, betrayers, boot-lickers and sycophants and  you might not be far from the truth. The crops of today's so called Igbo leaders should bury their heads in shame for plunging the Igbo nation into the deepest pit of miseries, widely mocked by the yorubas, hausas, and of course the resource controllers of Ijaw extract that pays the piper and dictates the tunes. Infarct the Ibos have little or no say in Nigerian politics of today. 
We are currently faced with the opposites of our past leaders. We are faced with so called leaders who have desecrated the Igbo nations and polluted our revered culture of unity. These past Igbo heroes like  Dr. Nnamdi Azikiwe, Akanu Ibiam, Mbonu Ojike, K.O Mbadiwe, Ikemba Ojukwu and the host of past Igbo leaders bought fame and dignity to the Igbo nation will turn in their graves at the sight of today of  the Ibos today .These men have certainly taking the Igbos backward that it might take centuries for the younger generation of Igbos to re-build our destroyed land and re-orientate our misled, dehumanized and exploited people!
. These past heroes  showed to the whole world the inherent potentials in Igbo land. They showed to the world that the Igbos can be the best in any area of endeavor.
These savvy men of candor and political sagacity opened Igbos to the world. They wrote their names in gold. In their days, the Igbos were reverelesd and honored. In their days, they spoke with one voice, in their days; they protected the interest of the Igbo nation and championed the course of the Igbos. They fought, lived and died thinking about the Igbo people. Today we have men who specialize in their pockets looking for a pay day or trade by barter .
We no longer need men of such characters in our Igbo nation of today. We can no longer continue to harbor such people because they have never done the Igbo people any good. They have continued to witch-hunt and stab us from behind while pretending to be for us!

These men constitute the cog in the wheel of progress of the Igbo and there is nothing anything progressive for the Igbos in their agenda. They have lived their lives amassing wealth through activities that negate the progress of the Igbos, the will sell out for a Dollar. The amass wealth with their various  positions , chieftancy titles, Crude oil licences , build hotels, buy houses overseas but no word for the Igbos.

None of these men have come out vociferously to condemn the killing of innocent igbos in the North on  an  almost daily basis, they all sit on the fence not sure of where power will tilt so they can be reckoned with . Some even demonstrated openly for #BRINGOURGIRLS BACK#, nothing wrong with that , but albeit , how many Igbos have died in the North this year already in the cold hands of Boko Haram? 
The biggest culprit and a canker worm called  Ohaneze N'di Igbo an organization that should have been used to fight for the rights of the Igbo people is now used to fight the Igbos and ridicule their sufferings. It has been  sold for an estimated N3 Billion  to the Resource control paymasters and all they are singing is Ebele Azikiwe for 2015.
Ohaneze N'di Igbo, Aka Ikenga, Massob, IWA, WIC and a few others now consist of a group of selfish men looking  for government contract and government patronage at the expense of the interest of the people they claim to be representing.
 They fan the embers of disunity in our land using the money they have been paid by their masters. They watch our people live in squalor and penury and turn blind eyes. They watch the humiliation of the Igbos in the most inhuman manner and they laugh and walk away. What a shame!
 They continue to torment and haunt us with their nefarious activities that can best be described as an aberration to the values of the Igbos!
Their activities, to say the least have devalued the methodologies of Zik, defaced the philosophies of K.O Mbadiwe, debauched the ideologies of Ibiam and mocked the struggles of Ojukwu. 
If the likes of Zik were sycophants  and worked against the interest of the Igbos like the present so called Igbo leaders, Igbo nation would not have been in existence for exploitation by these hawks and political vultures parading and masquerading themselves as leaders
In today's world, our so called Igbo leaders are quick to eulogize the activities Igbo sons and daughters who brought honors, fame and pride to the Igbo nations. They are proud to use their names to open doors and seek favors, they are even proud to lay claim to be believers of their struggles, ideas and ideals.
But in reality, these men, most of whom find themselves as members of various Igbo interest groups are all too far from what they claim. They emanate from no where with eagle eyes looking and lurking behind for the next opportunity to exploit the Igbo people.
Most shocking and embarrassing is the fact that sons and daughters of great Igbo leaders who have used their fathers names and goodwill to get into leadership position have either ended up serving personal interest or joined in the exploitation and killing of the Igbo people.
Right now there is serious scam and  politicking over the River Niger Bridge, President Goodluck was convinced to flag it off , but a few weeks later the Minister announced that there is no funds for the project , she was being honest , but he was hushed down by the interest groups who see this project  as a political tool that can be utilized for selfish political gains to the detriment of the igbos . With  all these Igbos sitting in the corridors of power, they cannot even get the  government to pay attention to the worsening erosion and other environmental degradation affecting the Igboland. They dont really care because if they want to build their houses in Igboland ravaged by erosion , they simply bring down SETRACO or some Israeli or Italian construction company to do it .
It is time for new breed Igbos to join forces and say NO to the activities of these so called Igbo leaders. It is time for us to make conscientious efforts to repair the damage . It is time for us to demand for what are our rights. It is time for us to purge ourselves and remove the bad ones amongst us.
We can no longer continue to sit back and watch some men run and ruin our tomorrow otherwise generations of Igbos might be wiped away. We can no longer continue to beg for the development of our areas. We can no longer beg for what we deserve as part of a body that makes up a country,  We have been onlookers for too long since the end of the civil war and what a day to sit up and take a stand BIAFRAN DAY , May 30th 2014 , 47 years later !. 

Peter Eze, London, UK
+1 541-595-8099
C/O eagleyereport@gmail.com


22nd AUGUST 1967

From: The Military Governor,
Republic of Biafra Enugu,
22nd August, 1967.

My dear Victor,

1. For some time now, you and I have been discussing the circumstances that have led to the current and inevitable disintegration of what was the Federation of Nigeria. We have been fully convinced that the aim of the Hausa/Fulani complex has ever been, and will ever remain, the total domination of every other part of what was known as the Federation of Nigeria. It is impossible to forget that the crisis which led to the army take over in January 1966, the coup of the Northern soldiers led by Gowon in July 1966, the wholesale and indiscriminate massacre of the people of what is now Biafra- and, to a less degree, the people of the Mid-West and West, including the Yorubas, were all the direct result of Hausa/Fulani attempt to subjugate and use as tools, the gallant people of Western Nigeria namely the Yorubas. We do not need to remind ourselves of the heavy losses in life and property suffered by the Yoruba people in their fight for justice and freedom during 1965.

2. Sharing.our belief that the people of Yorubaland have a right to live a life of equality and self-respect and justice free of domination and dictatorship from any quarter, you have both identified with the cause of the Biafra struggle for survival and expressed your determination to see the people of Yorubaland freed from Hausa/Fulani domination.
We, the people of Biafra, for our part are willing and have decided to give you and the people of Yorubaland every assistance to achieve your aim.

3. After clearing the whole question with my Executive Council, I, as the Commander in Chief of the Biafran Armed Forces, have decided to place at your disposal Biafran forces, for the liberation of
Yorubaland on the following clear conditions:-
(i) You will have nothing to do with the Military Administrator in the Mid-West Territory during your sojourn there prior to your move to the West.
(ii) The willingness and preparedness of Biafra to assist any part of the former Federation of Nigeria wishing and willing to liberate itself from the Hausa/Fulani domination, does not in anyway whatever
imply any inclination on her part to compromise her sovereignty or preserve what remains of the defunct Federation of Nigeria. In other words, our sovereignty and break with Nigeria is irrevocable. Nothing must, therefore be said or done by you or any member of the Liberation Army to give a contrary impression.
(iii) Biafra is determined to maintain and safeguard her sovereignty and ensure that her integrity and safety are never again threatened.
(iv) Biafran troops will, after the liberation of the Yorubaland, remain in that territory only for as long as we in Biafra consider it necessary for the Yorubas to consolidate their position and sovereignty against any external threat.
(v) On the liberation of the Yorubaland, you will be appointed as the Military Governor of that territory.
(vi) The liberation of Western Nigeria will be a prelude to the liberation of all Yorubas up to the River Niger and the severance of all connections between the West and the North at Jebba.
(vii) During the period of Biafrans troops’ presence in your territory, all political measures, statements or decrees shall be subject to the approval, in writing by myself or on my authority.
(viii) Should our troops arrive and liberate Lagos, the government of the Republic of Biafra reserves the right to appoint a Military administrator for the territory. Such an Administrator will remain in office until a merger of that territory with Yorubaland is effected by Biafran troops.
(ix) As soon as possible after your appointment as the Military Governor of Western Nigeria and separation of that territory from Nigeria, you and I must meet to discuss:
(a) the duration of stay of Biafran troops in your territory;
(b) the areas and subjects of cooperation between the liberated sovereign states of Western Nigeria, or by what name it may call itself, and Biafra.

4. I do not need to remind you that Biafra regards all Yoruba as friends. As such everything should be done, to ensure the minimum force and loss of life are involved in achieving the objective of liberation.

5. It is essential, in order to avoid misunderstanding or confusion, that all subsequent requests for support be formally made to me by you in writing.

6. Will you please signify in writing, your acceptance of the above conditions so that you may leave for Western Nigeria and lead the army of liberation.
Yours very sincerely,

signed Lt. Col. Odumegwu Ojukwu,

Military Governor and Commander in Chief of Biafran A
rmed Forces
- See more at: http://eagleyereportconnect.blogspot.com/2014/05/letter-from-ltcol-ojukwu-to-lt-colbanjo.html#sthash.FSsbk1jU.dpuf

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