Thursday, August 20, 2015

Joe Okei-Odumakin's impromptu Medical checkup in Dubai saves her life ( Photo)


    On Thursday, human rights activist, Joe Okei-Odumakin shared the featured photo above on her Facebook page, and underneath she wrote this interesting story of how an unplanned checkup saved her from what may have had dire consequences. We’re just glad she’s Okay. Check out her story below:
    My ‪#‎Dubai‬ ‪#‎Surgery‬. This is what happened:
    I was on this trip and had also taken with myself, the message that ‪#‎Nigerians‬ are not ‪#‎Terrorists‬. I had with me the impression to take group-to-group, person-to-person and forum-to-form campaign that #Nigerians are industrious, peace loving and hospitable people, but not #terrorists that is sometimes attached to perception of us.
    I have interviewed a few persons abroad what they think each time they hear “Nigeria” and a recurring theme is ‪#‎BokoHaram‬. But we are not #BokoHaram people and that’s a naked fact. The thread of my movement touched ‪#‎Detroit‬ and parts of ‪#‎WashingtonDC‬, interviewing more persons (not journalistic type of interview for reportage though, but a personal opinion sampling exercise).
    Next, I would reach ‪#‎Canada‬. But just to do a quick stop-by in #Dubai, I then visited a hospital for brief ‪#‎MedicalCheck‬. Surprising, after the check, I only waited as instructed by the ‪#‎Nurse‬, only for her to return with the ‪#‎Doctor‬ advising that I needed #Surgery as a matter of ‪#‎Now‬.
    Just like that? I queried. I had heard about this gall bladder stone before, now certain 1.5cm of it is said to be sticky in my stomach and requires immediate surgery. Otherwise, the Dr. Shocked me it would “burst” and told me the implication.
    My question: “So?”
    Dr: They have prepared the theater.

    Hehehe! Look at me o, I was supposed to be heading somewhere else if not just a stop-by here nah.
    Anyways, it went successfully.
    Thanks for everyone who shared, and are sharing my position right now from near and afar. Thanks for your wishes. I’m indeed very grateful.
    Yes, am recuperating and feel like getting outta here to move on, but I’ll take all the counsels that I take some time to rest.
    Thank you all! May ‪#‎Nigeria‬ become world’s headquarter of peace, love, innovations and industries as we hope and all work towards.
    Dr. Joe Okei-Odumakin.

    We wish her speedy recovery.

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