Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Pastor Hypnotizes female followers with Holy Milk by nasty oral activities on him.


A Brazilian Senior Pastor has been accused of forcing his female congregation to perform very nasty oral activities on him. In return, the women would receive holy milk through their mouth. The pastor has been telling the women that his ‘milk’ is sacred and he has been anointed by the lord. He also said that his milk is special because it has been concentrated by the holy spirit
“He convinced us that only God could come into our lives through the mouth”, a follower said, “Often, after worship, the Pastor asked us to do oral acts on him until the Holy Spirit came through ejaculation and delivered funds to the church.”
It seems that most Pastors are now living a very scandalous life. In Zimbabwe, a Pastor died shortly after sleeping with a prostitute, while another Pastor poured acid on a woman he was having an affair with and she died. Another Pastor was filmed sleeping with one of his married congregants
The most shocking however, is a Pastor who tried to walk on water like Jesus did, and he drowned in front of his congregants, and another Pastor who asked to be buried alive so that he could resurrect himself like Jesus. Another self confessed Prophet died after fasting in the mountains for 30 days. He was found dead there.

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