Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Republican Anti-Gay ‘Family Values’ Hypocrite Caught Cheating On Wife In Sex Tape Scandal, Steps Down


On Tuesday, State House Majority Leader Rep. Jud McMillin (R) – the second-highest ranked official in the Indiana House of Representatives – mysteriously resigned after sending a few shame-filled text messages that said:“My phone was stolen in Canada and out of my control for about 24 hours. I have just been able to reactivate it under my control. Please disregard any messages you received recently. I am truly sorry for anything offensive you may have received.”McMillin and House Speaker Brian Bosma (R) have been closed-lipped about what ‘offensive’ content McMillin could have been referring to, but the Indianapolis Business Journal reports that there was at least one sexually-explicit video that showed him cheating on his wife that got released while McMillin’s phone was ‘stolen.’Don’t expect McMillin to own up to what was on his phone, though. It must have been pretty embarrassing, because the “sanctity of marriage” Republican told a completely different story in a statement announcing his resignation. McMillin said that he “decided the time is right for me to pass the torch and spend more time with my family. Now I want to focus all of my attention on making my family’s world a better place.” According to McMillin’s Facebook page, he is married and has a son.On Wednesday morning, McMillin went on Facebook to vent about how he had made “mistakes” and was trying to rectify them. he wrote:“I make mistakes. When I do, regardless of how big or small they are, I do my best to admit them, own up to it, and then start doing my best to remedy them. That’s what I am doing right now with my family. With that being said I will never understand the need for some people to spew hatred. I hope it makes those people feel better about themselves because there is no other discernable benefit. What a sad place for society to be. On the other hand, I am constantly amazed at how good hearted so many people are. The outpouring of support I have received from so many gives me faith and hope in humanity as a whole. To those who choose this path, I encourage you to maintain your approach not only towards those you agree with and like, but towards those you disagree with as well. This is the only approach that can possibly help make the world a better place.”This should come as no surprise – McMillin has stepped away from a job because of something sex-related before. In 2005, he resigned as an assistant prosecutor in Montgomery County, Ohio after he entered a relationship with the victim of a domestic violence case he was litigating. Although McMillin denied that he’d been involved with the woman while he was on the case, the woman said otherwise and he eventually resigned his position as deputy prosecutor. It would appear that McMillin’s fondness for sexting goes back quite a ways. “According to two sources close to the case, the photos were incredibly graphic. One photo reportedly shows McMillin masturbating and using a dildo on himself while others were simply of McMillin’s genitalia. In one exchange, McMillin is alleged to have texted Stapleton that he was heartsick being separated from her and sent photos of himself masturbating with a string tied tightly from his testicles to the wheels of a rolling office chair to illustrate his pain.”While there’s nothing wrong with sexual exploration, his “moral commitment” to the sanctity of marriage and his relentless efforts to villifying gay Americans makes his hypocrisy particularly amusing. McMillin’s resignation is a relief, as he was a rising star in the Republican party and expected to become House Speaker one day. McMillin has been a known supporter of bills that work against people who are struggling and victims of discrimination.Earlier this year, the former State House Majority Leader told Fox News that he was not “focusing on poor people” when he presented a bill that would require people on welfare to pass drug tests. McMillin has also been a sponsor of Senate Bill 101, also known as the “religious freedom” bill that allowed business owners to refuse service to LGBT customers (fortunately, the bill was amended).Fortunately, it looks like the Indiana House is one bigot le
ss now.

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