1. CREFLO DOLLAR: Atlanta- area megachurch pastor, creflo Dollar, is the latest in the long line of prominent pastors to face allegations of wrongdoing. Dollar was arrestedfriday, June 8th, after his daughter reported that he choked her. Dollar has denied the charges.
2. AIMEE SEMPLE McPHERSON: A nationally know Pentecostal preacher who opened a $1.5 million dolar Temple in Los Angeles, Aimee Semple McPherson, disappeared in 1926, re-emrging after a month to say that she had been kidnapped and tortured. When her story unraveled, McPherson was charged with perjury.
3. JIM BAKKER: Jimmy Bakker and his wife Tammy Faye, led an evangelistic empire called PTL, or Prasie The Lord, headquatered in their own theme park in Fort Mill, South CArolina, near Charlotte, North Carolina. Revelations that Jimmy Bakker had paid former secretary Jessica Hahn to keep quiet about a sexual encounter raised questions about his finances in the 1980s. In 1989, he was sentenced to 45 years in prison for stealing $158 million from his flock.
4. JIMMY SWAGGART: The famous TV preacher was caught with a prostitute in a motel in 1988, but his tearful televised confession kept his $12-million-a-year 10,000 employee, religious empire going until he was linked to another prostitute in 1991. Lawsuits and an Internal Revenue Service lien put an end to Jimmy Swaggarts media reign. The tax man cometh!!!
5. TED HAGGARD: A gay escort accused Ted Haggard, then pastor of Colorado’s largest church and president of the nation’s largest evangelical group, of paying him for drug fueled sex in 2006. Haggard acknowledgded getting a massage and buying methamphetamine from the man, but said that he threw the drugs away. His church fired him for “sexually immoral conduct”.
6. EDDIE LONG: In a 2010 lawsuit, four male, former congregants of Bishop Eddie Long’s Atlanta-area’s megachurch, accused the pastor of using his position and expensive gifts, to coerce them into having sex with them while they were teenagers. Long denied the accusations and settled with the young men in 2011
7. MARCUS LAMB: A televangelist and founder of the Daystar Television Network, the Rev. Marcus Lamb, confessed that he cheated on his wife Joni Lamb, who also leads the network, in front of his TV audience in 2010, saying he was coming clean in the face of a $7.5 million extorsion attempt.
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