Thursday, June 21, 2012

CASE OVER AS Matt Sandusky( SON) says he was abused by father, Jerry Sandusky

Matt Sandusky says he was abused by father, Jerry Sandusky

Jerry Sandusky accused child molester
Jerry Sandusky's adopted son, Matt Sandusky, said that his father sexually abused him. Matt Sandusky released a statement through his lawyer, Andrew Shubin.
"During the trial, Matt Sandusky contacted us and requested our advice and assistance in arranging a meeting with prosecutors to disclose for the first time in this case that he is a victim of Jerry Sandusky's abuse. At Matt's request, we immediately arranged a meeting between him and the prosecutors and investigators."
The statement continued: "This has been an extremely painful experience for Matt and he has asked us to convey his request that the media respect his privacy."
In the past, Matt Sandusky has defended his father over allegations that he abused young boys. Jerry Sandusky is on trial for multiple charges of child abuse. The jury is currently deliberating.

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