Tuesday, December 18, 2012

6-Year-Old Girl Sole Survivor In Newtown Classroom Of 16 Children Says She PLAYED DEAD To Trick Gunman

As the first funerals for two of the young victims of the Sandy Hook school massacre — 6-year-olds Noah Pozner and Jack Pinto — will be held Monday, this is an incredible story of a first grader, who survived Adam Lanza’s gun rampage on Friday by playing dead, Pastor Jim Solomon told ABC News Sunday.
“How at 6 1/2 years old can you be that smart, that brave?” the pastor said Sunday. “I think it’s impossible outside of divine intervention. She has wisdom beyond her years”.
Solomon said he learned how the girl — the only one in her class of 16 to survive Lanza’s hail of bullets — made it out alive during grief counseling in the wake of the massacre.
The pastor said the child witnessed “someone who she felt was angry and somebody who she felt was mad”.
Solomon said that when the child — covered in blood as she emerged from the carnage — was reunited with her mother, she told her, “Mommy, I’m okay, but all my friends are dead”.
He said the child’s family is coping “as well as you can expect them to” in the wake of the mass killing, which left 28 people in all dead, 20 of them students between the ages of 6 and 7.
This little girl is very brave and very blessed. Hopefully she will get the help that she needs to deal with this tragedy.

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