Tuesday, December 18, 2012

SWEDISH Woman Accused Of Hoarding Human Skeletons For Various SEXUAL ACTIVITIES Is Convicted Of “Disturbing The Peace Of The Dead”

A 37-year-old woman accused of hoarding human skeletons for sex has avoided a necrophilia charge - but been convicted of “disturbing the peace of the dead”.
The woman kept at least six skulls, one spine and “a large number of other bones” in a secret compartment, along with a drill, body bags and morgue pictures.
Pictures released by police showed the brunette LICKING and HUGGING skulls at her flat in Gothenburg, Sweden.
Skull ... she kept it in freezer
The prosecution had argued the unnamed woman had used the bones “for various sexual activities”, but charges of necrophilia were dismissed by the district court.

The court said: “Moving parts of the skeleton is a crime, since she was unauthorised to do so, just as it is a crime to assemble a skeleton and keep it lying on the floor, (and) to keep skeletal parts in plastic bags and use them for trade”.
It added that the woman had knowingly handled the bones “in an undignified manner”.
The woman was also convicted of illegal possession of firearms, the only charge she pleaded guilty to. Speaking to a local paper, she denied the allegations she used the bones for sexual gratification.
Playing around ... with toy
She said: “I’m not saying I’m the world’s nicest or best person. I’m an odd bird.
“I’m interested in forensics and I’m passionate about osteology. I have photographs of dead people”.
The woman was arrested in September and was released at the end of the trial on November 23. The prosecution has yet to decide whether it will appeal the ruling.

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