Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Hypocrite and Anti-Gay Bob McDonnell Living With Priest Busted For Gay Sex

Former Virginia Governor Bob McDonnell says he’s no longer living with his wife but, rather, is living with Wayne Ball, a priest who pleaded guilty in 2002 for having gay sex in a parking lot.
McDonnell has testified that his marriage was a “sham” and therefore he could not have colluded with his wife in taking all those bribes. Shortly after he took office, McDonnell stripped LGBT people from a statewide anti-discrimination executive order, declaring that there is no evidence of such discrimination.
McDonnell is vehemently anti-gay.
McDonnell railed against sex outside of marriage in his now-infamous master’s thesis, making his friendship with Ball and his decision to move into the rectory at St. Patrick’s during the trial all the more interesting. In the paper, written for Regents University in 1989, McDonnell deplored “the perverted notion of liberty that each individual should be able to live out his sexual life in any way he chooses without interference from the state,” going on to blast gays and unwed mothers.
As a Virginia state delegate, McDonnell had also been part of a Republican-led state crime commission that recommended criminalizing “sodomy that occurs in a public place” in 2005.

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